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Intentions for Hajat Prayers as well as Prayers and Procedures for Implementing them

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Intentions for Hajat Prayers as well as Prayers and Procedures for Implementing them


Everyone certainly has a wish for Allah SWT. Therefore, Muslims can pray to Allah SWT through prayer.

The Hajat prayer is a sunnah prayer that can be performed at any time. However, it would be better if done at night.

So, what are the intentions and procedures for carrying out the Hajat prayer? Read the following explanation.



Desire Prayer Intention

The following are the intentions for the hajat prayer quoted from the Nahdlatul Ulama website:

I pray the Sunnah of Hajj, two rak’ahs in fulfillment of God Almighty

Arab Latin: Ushallī sunnatal hājati rak’ataini adān lillāhi ta’ālā.

Meaning: I deliberately pray the sunnah prayer of two rak’ahs in cash because of Allah SWT.

Procedures for Hajat Prayer

The following are the procedures for prayer prayer as quoted from the book Prayer Prayers, the Key to Achieving Success by Ghaida Halah Ikram:

1. Intention to pray hajat during the day (I intend to pray sunnah hajat prayers because of Allah)
2. Takbiratul ihram
3. Read the opening prayer, followed by Surah Al-Fatihah, then read one of the surahs in the Al-Quran
4. Ruku while reciting the tasbih three times
5. I’m sleeping while reading what I’m reading
6. The first prostration while reciting the tasbih three times
7. Sitting between two prostrations while reading the reading
8. The second prostration while reciting the tasbih three times
9. After the first rak’at, do the second rak’at as above, then the final tashahhud. After that, read the greeting twice
10. If performing four rak’ats with one salam, after two rak’ats immediately stand up without wearing the initial tashahhud, continue the third and fourth rakats, then the final tashahhud and recite the salam twice.

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Prayer After Hajat Prayer

After performing the hajat prayer, then read the following prayer:

There is no god but God, the All-Knowing, the Most Generous. Glory be to God, Lord of the Great Throne. Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. I ask you for the reasons for your mercy and the resolve of your forgiveness. Protection from every sin, the spoils from every righteousness, and safety from every sin, and I ask you for the highest part of Paradise. Do not leave me a sin unless you forgive it, nor for them. Unless I relieve him, and there is no debt except that you settle it with me There is no need of the needs of this world or the hereafter except what you fulfill, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.

Meaning: “There is no God but God, the Most Gentle and the Most Merciful. Glory be to God, God the Sustainer of the Great Throne. Praise be to God, the Lord of all the worlds. It is to You that I ask for something that requires Your mercy, and something that brings Your forgiveness, and obtains profit from every sin. Do not allow me to sin, but You forgive; and there is no need, but You give a way out; and there is no desire that obtains Your consent, but You accept. O Most Merciful and Compassionate God.”

Dhikr After Hajat Prayer

After completing the prayer and reading the prayer, it would be better to continue reading the dhikr. It is more important to read istighfar at least 100 times. The following istighfar reading is recommended:

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Arab Latin: Astaghfirullâhal ‘azhîm rabbi min kulli dzanbin wa atûbu ilaih” (I ask for forgiveness from God Almighty from every sin and I repent to Him). After reading istigfar, read the Prophet’s blessings at least 100 times, “Allâhumma shalli ‘alâ Sayyidinâ Muhammadin shal- tar-ridha wardha ‘an ashhâbihir-ridhår-ridha.

Meaning: Oh my God, bestow prosperity on our master, Prophet Muhammad SAW.

After that, we can continue by asking God for what we desire solemnly while prostrating ourselves, and reading more: “Lâ ilaha illâ anta subhânaka innî kuntu minazh-zhâlimîn.

Meaning: There is no God worthy of worship but only You, Glory be to You, indeed I am one of the people who do injustice.”

Hajat Prayer Times

As mentioned previously, prayer can be done at any time. But it would be better if it was done at night.

Imam Al-Hakim said, when you want to perform prayer, it is better to take a bath first. Put on clean clothes, then pray before dawn (dawn). Then intend to have all the desired requests granted. If Allah SWT wills, God willing, our wishes will be granted.

That is the intention of the hajat prayer as well as the prayer and procedures for carrying it out. Hope this helps, detikers.

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