Home » Breakfast tip: Eat oatmeal for breakfast for 30 days – this is what happens in your body

Breakfast tip: Eat oatmeal for breakfast for 30 days – this is what happens in your body

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Breakfast tip: Eat oatmeal for breakfast for 30 days – this is what happens in your body

Oatmeal, or porridge, as it is called in the less appetizing German language, is on everyone’s lips. When it comes to breakfast, the warm meal made from oat flakes is ahead of jam bread and ready-made muesli among foodies.

It’s not for nothing that the cereal porridge is so popular: it tastes wonderful both savory and sweet, is unbeatably cheap and is full of healthy nutrients.

This is what happens when you eat oatmeal for breakfast for a month

Oatmeal provides the body with plenty of energy, vitamins, protein as well as minerals and fiber. And that comes with some amazing benefits.

1. The cravings stay away

If you have a portion of porridge for breakfast in the morning, your stomach will complain again much later.

The fiber and complex carbohydrates keep you full for a long time and keep your blood sugar level more constant.

Have you usually raided the snack machine in the office or the fridge at home by eleven o’clock because your blood sugar is on a roller coaster after an unbalanced breakfast?

Thanks to breakfast cereal, that’s over. Once you get used to your morning oatmeal, you can last until lunch without your stomach rumbling.

Tip for those in a hurry: You can prepare your power breakfast particularly quickly and easily with ready-made porridge mixes. Simply put the desired amount of porridge mix in a bowl, add warm milk (substitute) or water, stir, and you’re done.

2. You get creative in the kitchen

Always just porridge, that’s boring isn’t it? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that! Always the same base leaves room for creativity with the toppings.

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Maybe the combination of almond slivers and raspberries will make your mouth water after the alarm goes off.

Or you can look forward to some grated Parmesan and fresh herbs over a hot oatmeal. If mixing the flakes with hot (vegetable) milk or hot water becomes a habit, you can really let off steam with refining them.

Fresh fruit, crunchy seeds, nuts or hearty ingredients such as cheddar, spring onions or even bacon are perfect for giving the cereal porridge a very personal touch. This means your breakfast will definitely not be boring.

3. Porridge makes you fitter

Your figure will be happy about the fit flakes. Because the high-quality carbohydrates and a good portion of proteins are great for building muscle.

And not only do you get stronger muscles, breakfast also supports your nerves. A bowl of oatmeal (with 40 grams of oat flakes) contains 0.3 mg of vitamin B1.

This already covers a quarter of the daily requirement. The nerve vitamin prevents fatigue and makes you really fit even in the upper room.

4. You develop a healthy routine

At first it may feel like a lot of unnecessary effort: Boil the oat flakes with liquid, let them swell, cut the banana, wash the blueberries, arrange them in a bowl, sprinkle almond slivers and chia seeds on top – and then of course put all the ingredients back in their place.

But once the handles are in place, you can prepare your breakfast as if you were sleeping. Which is practical, after all, very few people are in top shape in the morning.

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