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Genoa-Udinese / Lovric disappointed: “It wasn’t us…”

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Genoa-Udinese / Lovric disappointed: “It wasn’t us…”

A deeply disappointed Udinese after the championship match and above all a defeat that really hurts. Here are all the details

Udinese he comes out defeated by Marassi in a match that really hurts and above all highlights all the shortcomings of the Juventus team during this season. At the end of the match he also took stock Sandi Lovric author of one of the most disappointing performances since wearing the Udinese shirt.

Lovric’s words

“We agree with what the coach saidwas our worst match with himthe. We couldn’t do what we know, it wasn’t us and we weren’t focused.” He continued: “It’s hard to explain why we can’t recover the goals conceded. We have to do more and believe in our qualities, staying focused for 100 minutes“.

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