Home » If you make five mistakes in the sauna, you’ll be thrown out

If you make five mistakes in the sauna, you’ll be thrown out

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If you make five mistakes in the sauna, you’ll be thrown out

A visit to the sauna strengthens the immune system, ensures relaxation, restful sleep, improves the skin and has a positive effect on physical fitness.

However, there are some basic rules that you should definitely follow, especially if you are in a small space with other sauna goers.

1. Do not go into the sauna wearing clothes

Drop all your covers! Naked skin is the most natural thing in the world in the sauna cabin. That’s why bikinis, swimming trunks and flip flops are taboo.

The synthetic materials keep heat away from the skin and are also unhygienic. Avoid wearing jewelry as this could cause burns.

You should still have a towel with you: this will serve as a surface to sit on and you can use it to cover yourself when you leave the sauna.

If you go to the sauna wearing clothes, you risk being thrown out!

2. Do not wear street shoes in the sauna

Sauna goers often walk into the sweat cabin wearing sneakers or other street shoes. That is also a no-go. Sauna slippers or bathing shoes are better.

If you don’t have any with you, ask at reception. You can often rent these for a small fee.

3. Showering is mandatory before going to the sauna

Before entering the sauna area, you should definitely take a shower. Wash yourself thoroughly with soap and dry yourself. Then you can start the first gear. By showering you remove dirt, oils, creams, lotions or other impurities. This improves the hygienic conditions in the sauna.

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After leaving the sauna, you should shower again before diving into the cooling pool.

It is also forbidden to take food or drinks into the sauna. Also for hygiene reasons. Eating or drinking in the sauna can also put a strain on your circulation and make sweating more difficult.

4. Be considerate of those around you

The sauna is not a replacement for the regulars’ table or the gym. Move lively conversations to another location and only speak in whispers, if at all. Cell phones are also not allowed in the sauna rooms.

Anyone who pulls out their smartphone in the sauna must expect consequences. Avoid using your cell phone even in the rest area.

They are usually just as naked as everyone else. So don’t forget: staring is an absolute no-go. Even if you meet your dream woman or man in the sauna.

It is better to exchange intimate caresses with your partner at home – the sauna is not a swingers club.

5. Keep enough distance from those sitting next to you

Stay at least an arm’s length away from your neighbor and do not touch their towel. Squeeze into gaps and make room for new guests so they also have room in the sweat chamber.

If it is particularly tight, you should also ask the neighbors if you can sit down.

If you do not maintain the distances, the sauna administration can intervene. In extreme cases, there will be a ban on entering the premises and a report of harassment.

There are also rules that won’t get you kicked out of the sauna, but should be avoided.

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Pay attention to your body odor

Heat increases the smell of body fumes. In order not to disturb your fellow sweaters, you should avoid onions, garlic and alcohol the day before. Also avoid using perfume, deodorant, or other odorous substances that could annoy other visitors.

Unpleasant encounters

Help – my tax advisor! Now it’s time to keep calm. If you meet employees, superiors or someone else you would rather not see here – stay cool.

Nod politely, cover yourself with the towel, and sit so that the person is not directly across from you. It goes without saying that the encounter will be kept confidential.

If you take all of this advice to heart, nothing will stand in the way of a relaxing day in the sauna area.

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