Home » Video summary of the Israel – Hamas war: news from February 25, 2024 – CNN en Español

Video summary of the Israel – Hamas war: news from February 25, 2024 – CNN en Español

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The conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza shows no signs of reaching a resolution as the Israeli military’s attacks on the region have continued unabated for 142 consecutive days. Reports from Al Mayadeen in Spanish and TRT in Spanish indicate that the Israeli onslaught has resulted in the deaths of numerous civilians in Gaza, with no end in sight to the violence.

The situation remains dire as both sides continue to engage in hostilities, leading to a significant loss of life and destruction in the area. The international community has been closely monitoring the situation, with calls for an immediate ceasefire and a diplomatic resolution to the conflict.

Despite growing international pressure, the Israeli military shows no signs of halting its attacks on Gaza, raising concerns about the safety and well-being of civilians caught in the crossfire. As the conflict rages on, efforts to bring about a peaceful resolution to the Israel-Hamas war remain elusive. Stay tuned for the latest updates on this ongoing crisis.

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