Home » The US city that declared itself anti-immigrant and will not welcome any undocumented immigrants

The US city that declared itself anti-immigrant and will not welcome any undocumented immigrants

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The US city that declared itself anti-immigrant and will not welcome any undocumented immigrants

Monument, a city in Colorado, has made headlines recently as it has unanimously decided to affirm its status as a non-sanctuary city in response to fears of immigrants invading the area. The mayor of the county, Mitch LaKind, stated to Fox News that the goal is to make it clear that they will not accept busloads of immigrants into their community, citing budget constraints and the unwillingness to use taxpayer funds as the main reasons.

The city of Monument is taking a tough stance against undocumented immigrants, emphasizing that there is no place for them in their community. LaKind warned that individuals who have finished their assigned stays in Denver will not be welcomed in Monument, and the city administration and police officers will work to stop and relocate them to other areas.

Currently, immigrant families can stay in Denver shelters for forty-two days, while single individuals can only stay for fourteen days. After this period, they often seek accommodation in nearby cities, with Monument being one of the possible destinations.

LaKind believes that the situation has escalated to the point where the Biden administration should take action to close the border and increase deportation efforts to prevent a larger influx of undocumented immigrants into the US.

The decision by Monument comes in response to the crisis faced by Mile High City, also located in Colorado, which declared itself a sanctuary for immigrants. The fiscal and humanitarian problems arising from this declaration have put both cities at odds, leading Monument to take a strong position against undocumented immigrants.

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As the immigration crisis continues to unfold in the United States, the actions taken by cities like Monument highlight the challenges and divisions that exist in addressing this complex issue.

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