Home » STF LIVE – lifetime review and green agenda – session of 2/29/2024

STF LIVE – lifetime review and green agenda – session of 2/29/2024

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STF LIVE – lifetime review and green agenda – session of 2/29/2024

Plenary session of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) on February 28, 2024 / Credit: Gustavo Moreno/STF

The Federal Supreme Court (STF) may resume this Thursday (29/2), from 2 pm, the judgment of the embargoes filed by the National Social Security Institute (INSS) against the ruling that admitted the application of the whole life review for retirements and benefits of those who contributed to social security before 11/29/1999. The case is judged in the RE 1.276.977. Follow the STF session live.

The collegiate may also resume judging a series of actions on the green agenda. Today’s agenda includes the continuation of the joint analysis of the ADPF 760 and ADO 54. In the actions, parties allege failure by the Union, the president and the Minister of the Environment to curb deforestation and execute a plan to prevent deforestation in the Amazon.

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ADPFs are also on the agenda 743, 746 e 857, who ask that the Union draw up a plan to prevent and combat fires in the Pantanal and the Amazon. In the actions, parties point out negligence and omissions by the federal government in recent years to the detriment of the constitutional duty to defend, protect and monitor the environment.

Another topic on the list is ADO 63in which the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) alleges the National Congress failed to issue a law that regulates part of article 225 of the Federal Constitution, which ensures the protection of biomes such as the Pantanal of Mato Grosso from the exploitation of resources.

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The ADIs 2.110 e 2.111 question changes to Law 8,213/1991, on the social security contribution of individual taxpayers and calculation of the benefit. Among the points questioned is the creation of the social security factor and the requirement for a waiting period for the payment of maternity pay for individual contributors.

No ARE 1.042.075of general repercussion, the ministers can resume the discussion of the lawfulness of evidence obtained through examination of a cell phone found fortuitously at the scene of the crime and the possible violation of the secrecy of communications when accessing the phonebook and call records without police authorization .

Still, on today’s agenda, the Plenary can resume the judgment of the ADI 2.943 in which it questions whether the Constitution allows granting criminal investigation powers to the Public Ministry and whether the application of the rules of the Organic Law of the Public Ministry of the Union to the Public Ministries of the States offends the autonomy of the states and the Federal District.

Watch the life review trial on the STF live

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