Home » Minister for Disabilities – The Chamber approves the motion for the recognition of fibromyalgia as a disabling disease

Minister for Disabilities – The Chamber approves the motion for the recognition of fibromyalgia as a disabling disease

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Minister for Disabilities – The Chamber approves the motion for the recognition of fibromyalgia as a disabling disease

In a historic move, the Chamber of Deputies has approved a motion for the recognition of fibromyalgia as a disabling disease. This decision highlights the importance of increasing awareness and providing proper support for individuals suffering from this debilitating condition.

Fibromyalgia, a chronic illness characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and cognitive issues, affects millions of people worldwide. Despite its prevalence, the condition has often been misunderstood and overlooked, leading to inadequate support and resources for those living with it.

Minister Locatelli of the Ministry of Health expressed his commitment to ensuring that individuals with fibromyalgia receive the necessary assistance to manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life. This motion marks a significant step towards addressing the needs of those impacted by the disease and promoting greater understanding and empathy within society.

The approval of the motion for recognizing fibromyalgia as a disabling disease is a positive development that signals progress towards supporting the well-being of individuals living with chronic illness. As Minister Locatelli emphasized, this is just the beginning of a journey towards providing comprehensive care and support for those affected by fibromyalgia.

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