Home » Broni in the lair of Sassari to book salvation

Broni in the lair of Sassari to book salvation

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Today at 4 pm in Sardinia game 1 of the play outs, on Wednesday a rematch at PalaBrera Coach Fontana: “We play the future, we will have to fight on every ball”


Honoring the jersey and the fans: Pf Broni 93 coach Alessandro Fontana asks his girls for a proof of pride in game 1 of the 1st playout round, scheduled for this afternoon (4 pm) at the PalaSerradimigni in Sassari against Dinamo. «We will have to sacrifice ourselves on every ball, knowing that we represent a piece of recent history of a town like Broni. – Fontana warns – This must be the added value. With our audience we would have achieved a few more wins, I am convinced, and that was the reason why the girls came to Broni. Now we have to be proud to represent Broni in Italy, right from the duo ». It is a fundamental challenge, in which the two victories obtained against the Sardinians in the regular season will count for nothing: «We are aware that the two previous matches can be an indicator but not an absolute value. – continues Fontana – Sassari has important values ​​and a series is different from a league match that can be inserted in a particular historical period, perhaps like when we played 5 games in 14 days with great physical and mental efforts ».

In the Broni home, the playmaker Togliani and the winger Parmesani are not in perfect condition, but they will grit their teeth: “We have prepared the match as best we can, trying to recover as much as possible the injured, concentrating on what are our weapons and our philosophy. We cannot concede the inertia of the series. We arrive aware of our means and the difficulties must become a surplus, because the growth of the team in the difficult context we have faced has been important. I believe in the strength of the group and in the weight of the individualities that can give further value to the collective ».

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Where to follow the live

The referees will be Daniele Caruso from Milan, Valerio Salustri from Rome and Emanuela Tommasi from Palestrina: live on the lbftv.it website (subscribers only) and updates on the social pages of Pf Broni 93. Broni, after the match, will embark at 8.45 pm in Porto Torres on the ferry to reach Genoa tomorrow at 8.30. Race 2 is scheduled for Wednesday 21st at PalaBrera (6pm) and the eventual beauty, again at Brera, on Saturday 24th April (6pm). Whoever wins the series is safe; while the defeat of the first round will have to face the loser of Lucca-Battipaglia in the second, whose race 1 is scheduled for tomorrow (6 pm) in Battipaglia. However, the uncertainty remains about the conditions of the Campania formation, still strongly conditioned by the cases of Covid and in the last hours by the early departure of the two foreigners, the Swedish Paulina Hersler and the American Amber Melgoza. In the playoffs, game 1 quarters: Empoli-Ragusa 54-60. –


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