Home » Meloni, from success in America to anxiety for Abruzzo. And with Mattarella…

Meloni, from success in America to anxiety for Abruzzo. And with Mattarella…

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Meloni, from success in America to anxiety for Abruzzo.  And with Mattarella…

By saying no to post-vote agreements between the PSE and the right, the socialists are playing into Meloni’s game, which will increasingly polarize the European campaign against Elly Schlein’s PD

Giorgia Meloni flies to Washington and Toronto to better prepare for the next G7 leaders’ summit scheduled for June in Puglia. But the meetings with the American president Joe Biden and with the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeauwhich follow Meloni a’s mission by a few days Kiev on the occasion of the second anniversary of the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, they are also an opportunity to reiterate – once again – the solid Atlantic positioning of the leader of the Brothers of Italy and the Italian government.

All this while Pd and M5S are sensationally divided precisely on theUkraine. A favorable opportunity also to embrace a remodulation of the line on the Middle Eastern conflict, after the international indignation that accompanied the latest massacre of Palestinians in Gaza. Meloni, with Biden and Trudeau, while in the wake of friendship with Israel, relaunches the two-state solution which Netanyahu today sees as smoke and mirrors in his eyes. Meloni returns from the States with yet another recognition of his international stature and with objective success: the American green light for the extradition of Chico Forti – assures those who know her well – it was a commitment pursued personally by the prime minister even before her inauguration at Palazzo Chigi and was achieved thanks to excellent relations not only with Biden but also with the Republican governor of Florida Ron Desantis.

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Once again Meloni seems to draw from his successes in foreign policy the fuel that he does not always find in domestic matters. It is no mystery in fact that now, after the defeat of measure in Sardinia (net of possible surprises following appeals and recounts), the Melonian-led centre-right will play for everything (or almost everything) in the polls on 10 March in Abruzzo. Reconfirm post-missino Marcus Marsilio and immediately stopping the suggestion of a comeback of the “wide field” (which in Abruzzo appears even very wide with the addition of Renzi and Calenda) is the sine qua non for Melons to face the next ones with confidence European and embark on the season of constitutional referendums with full energy.

This is why, speaking from Toronto, the prime minister explicitly denounced the left’s attempt to create a ditch between himself and Mattarella in order to undermine the premiership. A game that was also played out again at the congress of European socialists underway in Rome, from which violent attacks on the leader of the Conservatives came. But basically, saying no to any post-voting agreements between Pse and right, it is the socialists themselves who are playing the game of Melons which will increasingly polarize the European campaign against the Democratic Party Elly Schlein. Waiting to understand if the two leaders will run, as the Melonians would like and as a large part of the Democratic Party would not. But this is another game.

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