Home » Milagro Navas proclaims herself the winner of La Libertad Este

Milagro Navas proclaims herself the winner of La Libertad Este

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Milagro Navas, the ARENA candidate for La Libertad Este, has confidently declared victory in the municipal elections tonight. The celebration took place in the central park of Antiguo Cuscatlán, where Navas announced that she will be the new mayor of a mega-municipality that includes Antiguo Cuscatlán, Nuevo Cuscatlán, San José Villanueva, Zaragoza, and Huizúcar.

According to Navas, her own numbers suggest a landslide victory with around 70% to 75% of the votes in her favor. She pointed out that in several voting centers, she had a significant lead over her competitor Michelle Sol from Nuevas Ideas and the current Minister of Housing.

In Nuevo Cuscatlán, ARENA reportedly had twice as many votes as Nuevas Ideas, while in Antiguo Cuscatlán and Zaragoza, the ratio was even higher in favor of ARENA. For instance, in JRV 4352 in Zaragoza, ARENA received 175 votes compared to Nuevas Ideas’ 83 votes.

Navas also took a swipe at Sol, accusing her of spending $8,000 on drones for the campaign. She challenged Sol to a debate during the campaign, but Sol declined, stating that such debates are outdated. Navas criticized Sol for not having a work plan and relying on the state apparatus for her campaign.

The Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) has yet to release official data on the municipal council election results. Despite this, Navas has invited the public to join a celebration in the central park of Antiguo Cuscatlán to commemorate her victory.

Navas emphasized the importance of political debates and criticized Sol for not engaging in one. She believes that debates are essential for presenting proposals and contrasting ideas, citing examples from other countries like the United States.

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Overall, Navas’s victory speech exuded confidence and determination as she looks forward to taking on the responsibilities of leading the mega-municipality encompassing multiple towns in La Libertad Este.

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