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Could “Dune” be Real? Scientists Simulate Climate of Planet Arrakis

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Could “Dune” be Real? Scientists Simulate Climate of Planet Arrakis

Scientists from the University of Bristol have recently published a climate simulation that suggests the planet Arrakis from the “Dune” novels could actually exist. The team, led by Alex Farnsworth, used climate models to recreate the evolution of a planet like Arrakis, a desert world imagined by author Frank Herbert almost 60 years ago.

According to the simulation, a planet like Arrakis is possible based on known physical and climatic laws, although with some variations from the original concept. The results show extreme temperatures reaching up to 70°C in the summer and -40°C in the winter, as well as potential small rainfall in high latitudes during certain seasons.

While the simulation suggests that human habitation on a planet like Arrakis would be challenging but possible, the existence of giant sandworms, a notable feature in the “Dune” universe, is deemed biologically implausible. Paleontologist Patrick Lewis notes that the size and physiology of such creatures would not be sustainable on a hot planet like Arrakis.

Despite the biological limitations of giant sandworms, the research highlights the scientific plausibility of the planet Arrakis, shedding light on the intersection of science fiction and real-world scientific inquiry. The findings add an intriguing layer to the exploration of fictional worlds and their potential existence in the vast universe.

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