Home » EnBW Karlsruhe: Andreas Schell resigns as CEO

EnBW Karlsruhe: Andreas Schell resigns as CEO

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EnBW Karlsruhe: Andreas Schell resigns as CEO

After about a year, EnBW CEO Andreas Schell surprisingly resigned from his position. According to the company, the background is irreconcilable differences on the board.

There is a surprising change in the executive suite at the Karlsruhe energy group EnBW: According to the company, Andreas Schell has resigned from his position as CEO. The Supervisory Board approved this decision at its extraordinary meeting on Friday. Schell had been in office since November 2022.

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Reason for withdrawal: Irreconcilable differences on the board

According to EnBW, the main reason for the change is different opinions between the supervisory board and the chairman of the board. These are crucial questions about the strategic development of the company. “We regret this step, which is taking place by mutual agreement. Despite intensive discussions in recent months, no agreement could be reached on the company’s further strategic direction,” said Lutz Feldmann, Chairman of the EnBW Supervisory Board.

Georg Stamatelopoulos is the new CEO of the Karlsruhe energy group EnBW


Georg Stamatelopoulos becomes the new boss of EnBW

Georg Stamatelopoulos will be the new CEO. He is currently responsible for the “Sustainable Generation Infrastructure” department on the EnBW board. CFO Thomas Kusterer becomes deputy chairman of the board.

He is a convinced team player and, in his three years as a board member, has become a highly valued discussion partner not only within but also outside the company for politics and business.

Advance praise for Stamatelopoulos from state politics

When asked by SWR, BW Finance Minister Danyal Bayaz (Greens) said that EnBW faces major tasks. Andreas Schell tackled it and was able to achieve initial success. “He deserves thanks for that,” the minister continued. He describes Andreas Schell’s successor as an “experienced energy manager who knows EnBW very well.”

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The Baden-Württemberg SPD leader Andreas Stoch said that in view of the immense tasks of the energy transition and security of supply, EnBW has probably never been more important for Baden-Württemberg than it is today. “This makes it all the more important to be far-sighted and consistent in your direction,” the SPD state leader continued. Schell deserves thanks for leading the company, which is so important for the country.

We wish Georg Stamatelopoulos much success in his work and the strategic direction of the company. Good luck!

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