Home » State Parliament: Bavaria says goodbye: Requiem for Alois Glück in Munich

State Parliament: Bavaria says goodbye: Requiem for Alois Glück in Munich

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State Parliament: Bavaria says goodbye: Requiem for Alois Glück in Munich

Bavarian State Parliament says farewell: Requiem for Alois Glück in Munich

Next to the condolence book for the death of Alois Glück in the Bavarian State Parliament there is a picture of the deceased. photo

© Felix Hörhager/dpa

Almost two weeks after his unexpected death, the former President of the State Parliament, Alois Glück, is remembered in Munich Cathedral.

Bayern says goodbye to Alois Happiness: The entire political leadership of the country came together on Saturday for a requiem and act of mourning in Munich’s Liebfrauendom, led by Prime Minister Markus Söder and State Parliament President Ilse Aigner (both CSU).

The CSU politician died almost two weeks ago at the age of 84 in a Munich clinic. His death caused great sympathy in Bavaria – and beyond. Happiness was respected and valued across party lines.

Glück grew up on his parents’ farm in Hörzing in Upper Bavaria (Traunstein district). In 1970 he entered the state parliament for the CSU for the first time. From 1994 to 2007 he was head of the powerful CSU district of Upper Bavaria. After two years as state secretary, he took over the chairmanship of the CSU parliamentary group in 1988. He held a state parliament mandate for a total of 38 years, 15 of them as parliamentary group leader. In 2011, then-Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) appointed Glück to the Ethics Commission for a Secure Energy Supply.

The trained farmer and passionate mountain hiker was also involved in numerous honorary positions, such as chairman and later honorary chairman of the Bavarian Mountain Rescue Service. From 1983 onwards, Glück was also active in the Central Committee of German Catholics and was its president from 2009 to 2015. He later appeared in public again when Söder won him over as moderator of a round table on the subject of biodiversity in order to smooth things over after a successful referendum and explore options for compromise.


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