Home » ICETEX launches 100% forgivable credits for studies abroad – news

ICETEX launches 100% forgivable credits for studies abroad – news

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ICETEX launches 100% forgivable credits for studies abroad – news

To take programs abroad in culture, art and, for the first time, science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), ICETEX launches ‘Young Talents 2024’, a 100% forgivable credit program.

The program, with an investment of $12,000 million, will allow visual artists, painters, actors, musicians, filmmakers, writers, among others, to access short courses and master’s degrees.

Spain, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Ecuador, Chile, among others, have been some of the countries chosen by Colombians to be able to train and specialize in their areas of interest.

Program benefits

ICETEX will financially support these young people in their studies. Each beneficiary of the program will have 25,000 USD if they are going to take in-person master’s degrees, 16,000 USD if they will take short in-person courses, and 10,000 USD for virtual courses. All programs related to disciplines of art, culture, science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Young talents will be able to choose for their training programs in fields such as visual and plastic arts, applied arts (such as interaction design, jewelry and metal work, and manual arts and craft disciplines), performing arts, music, cinematography, literature and field publishing, or management and promotion of cultural heritage.

For STEM areas, applicants may choose programs from fields of science (such as genetics, biology, geology, oceanography, chemistry, physics, among others), technology (such as computer science, telecommunications, big datacybersecurity, virtual and augmented reality, robotics, software, etc.), engineering and mathematics.

Main requirements to apply

· Be a Colombian citizen.

· Be between 18 and 35 years old.

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· Not having been a beneficiary in any form of the Young Talents program in previous editions.

· Comply with the requirements established in the educational credit regulations, as they apply to foreign credit.

· If the value of the program exceeds the amount granted by ICETEX, the beneficiary must demonstrate that it has financial support to complement the expenses related to the budget.

· The participant must have a person in charge or representative (universities, collegiate bodies, municipalities, mayors’ offices and cultural corporations, among others), who submits their application to ICETEX, indicating that they are aware of the trajectory and qualities of the young talent (according to their area of ​​expertise). development) and that will ensure that it becomes a multiplying agent of knowledge acquired abroad.

· The young talent must have definitive admission from the educational center where they will carry out the training program abroad.

Source: ICETEX

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