Home » “Beat the best” Zoff: Was THAT really unfair? | Entertainment

“Beat the best” Zoff: Was THAT really unfair? | Entertainment

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“Beat the best” Zoff: Was THAT really unfair?  |  Entertainment

This wasn’t for the faint of heart!

“Schlag den Besten” got down to business on Saturday evening: Actor Axel Stein (42) even had to receive medical care after an accident. But the other celebrities also fought to the point of exhaustion. One candidate complained about unfair conditions.

Handball star Mimi Kraus (40, 1.87 m tall) is allowed to choose an opponent for the game “Medical Basketball” and chooses RTL presenter Lola Weippert (27, 1.65 m short). She’s not happy about it at all: “You’re so mean. I’m so small!”

From left: Moderator Elton, Lola Weippert and Mimi Kraus at the basketball challenge

Photo: RTL

Anna Carina Woitschack (l.) and Lola Weippert

Photo: RTL

The two have to throw baskets with medicine balls. As a woman, Weippert is given lighter medicine balls, but after just a few tries she sits on the floor exhausted: “I feel sick!”

A presenter against a former handball world champion, especially in a basketball duel where size matters? Commentator Frank Buschmann (59) sees no injustice in this: “You can sit at home and ask: Is that fair? But that’s this show. That’s ‘Beat the Best’.”

Shows no mercy: Moderator Frank Buschmann

Photo: RTL / Steffen Z Wolf

Weippert loses by a huge margin and then takes a seat in the “Loser’s Lounge”. She is welcomed there by Katja Burkard (58), who had recently lost to Kraus in the game “On the Table”. Burkard: “You did so well. But that was actually unfair.”

A comment that did not escape Buschmann’s keen ears. He tells his colleague: “I hear everything that is said in the Loser’s Lounge. And I have to reprimand Katja Burkard.” He promptly starts: “She said ‘unfair’, and I don’t know what. Katja, that’s not how it works here! They were different fundamentals, but that’s what this show is.”

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Burkard emphasizes that Mimi is simply much taller than Lola – and now Buschmann suddenly sets his sights on him: “Yes, and he’s not a good person either. He just takes a woman as an opponent. We have to capture that.”

A taunt that Kraus can take calmly. At the end of the evening he takes home a whopping 80,000. In the grand finale next week there will be another gamble for 100,000 euros.

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