Home » ABI, Banks against economic violence. Here’s how to protect yourself

ABI, Banks against economic violence. Here’s how to protect yourself

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ABI, Banks against economic violence.  Here’s how to protect yourself

Are expenses being made in my name without my knowledge and authorization? Am I aware of financial decisions that affect me and my family? Do I manage my money independently? The guide against economic violence begins from these questions and others the Italian Banking Association (Abi) and the Foundation for financial and savings education (FEduF) they created in conjunction with the Department for Equal Opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministersshared with banks and consumer associations.

What economic violence is and how it manifests itself, how to prevent it and how to combat it are the main points that the short guide highlights. In simple and immediate language, the vademecum intends to delve deeper into the main aspects that concern this form of violence to help the women who suffer it and to support citizens also in understanding and recognizing the phenomenon.

The guide was presented as part of ‘D&I in Finance’the appointment promoted by ABI and organized by ABIEventi on the themes of diversity and inclusion, closing today in Milan. The joint initiative supports “International Women’s Day” which occurs tomorrow, March 8.

What to do to prevent it

Gender-based violence manifests itself in many ways, often in the domestic context, involving the physical but also psychological sphere. Among these is economic violence that is carried out through forms of financial control. To prevent it, the guide recalls the importance of adopting some useful behaviors to independently manage one’s financial situation and thus strengthen one’s independence and economic security, starting from increasing one’s financial skills and knowledge.

The guide also provides information on the main solutionsi which allow initial access to banking services to manage savings simply and immediately, such as the basic current account which gives the possibility of using essential services (such as crediting your salary or pension, payments and withdrawals) at low costs or without expenses for lower incomes.

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Furthermore, the guide refers to the main behaviors to be implemented to operate safely online and to prevent identity fraud. Without forgetting, in general, to regularly and personally check one’s economic situation, to turn to specialized figures to manage any financial problems and to maintain social relationships outside the family context in order to be able to count on a valuable network of contacts in difficult situations.

The number 1522

Asking for help is the first step to escape violence, by contacting an anti-violence center in the area or by contacting 1522. Active every day, 24 hours a day, in multiple languages, free from landlines and mobile phones and also accessible from the website, 1522 is the public anti-violence and anti-stalking service. As the guide indicates, also relaunching the message supported and promoted by ABI and FEduF “If you need help, call now!”.

Where to find the guide

In digital format, the guide is freely accessible online on the ABI website (in the dedicated pages) and FEduF and can be printed and made available in branches, offices, headquarters and commercial premises to promote ever greater attention on the topic and support for victims. Furthermore, it is available to all the banks and consumer associations that have shared and supported the initiative (ACU, Adiconsum, Adoc, Altroconsumo, Assoutenti, Casa del Consumatore, Centro Tutela Consumatori Utenti, Cittadinanzattiva, Codacons, Confconsumatori, Federconsumatori, Consumer League, Consumer Movement, Citizen Defense Movement, U.Di.Con, UNC).

The commitment to equal opportunities?

The initiative is developed within the Memorandum of Understanding signed by ABI and FEduF with the Department for Equal Opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers for the prevention and combating of violence against women, including in the domestic sphere, promoting between the other training and information initiatives. Furthermore, it is part of the activities that ABI and the banks also carry out in line with the ‘Women in banks’ Charter project for overcoming gender differences in the economic field and with the initiatives developed by FEduF, the Foundation for financial and savings education established by ABI in 2014, to strengthen the culture and financial inclusion of citizens.

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The initiative is in synergy with the implementation of the sustainable development commitments promoted by the UN Agenda 2030 and, in particular, with Objective 5 dedicated to gender equality.


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