Home » In Los Venados people “do not have the right to get sick”

In Los Venados people “do not have the right to get sick”

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In Los Venados people “do not have the right to get sick”

Lea: Los Venados health center remains closed after death of two-year-old child

Although the manager of the Eduardo Arredondo Daza Hospital (HEAD), Miguel Soto, assured the media that the minor arrived without vital signs at the hospital headquarters, the situation revived the request for an emergency room in the township, as well as provision and adjustments in medication delivery.


A source who preferred to reserve his identity assured EL PILÓN that “in Los Venados people do not have the right to get sick,” referring to the service hours that go from 8 am to 4 pm, Monday to Friday, and only for external consultation. , nursing and vaccination.

That is, citizens who have an emergency outside of those hours or days must go to the nearest emergency headquarters, in the municipality of Mariangola, or failing that, to the municipality of Bosconia.

“Rural doctors only provide 8-hour services, which is why the issue of health posts has been somewhat unprotected. They are protected by a resolution of the Ministry of Health, and the Eduardo Arredondo Daza Hospital cannot force them to stay at night,” explained Jaide Medina, Secretary of Health of Valledupar.


Recently, Medina met with Gina Rojas, promotion and prevention promoter of the Ministry of Health, in the town of Atánquez, where they have also closed the health post, demanding 24-hour care, more medical staff and better infrastructure.

“We committed to doing a study of the network of the municipality of Valledupar to subsequently sit down with the Eduardo Arredondo Daza Hospital, to see if it is elevated in the network document that is with the Ministry to emergency care because the community demands it. and he needs it,” Medina added.

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According to the official, this management would be carried out in approximately one month, because the national government “has resources to remodel these health centers, as well as provide equipment and to begin providing these emergency services.”

In the town of Atánquez they also require emergency service. /PHOTO: EL PILÓN ARCHIVE.


Meanwhile, the inhabitants of Los Venados await the results of the scheduled meeting between the manager of the HEAD, the authorities at the local and departmental level of Health, representatives of the health promoting entities (EPS) and the leaders of the affected townships, to find a solution in accordance with the principles of “efficiency, universality and solidarity” in health dictated by the Magna Carta.

“Los Venados can be said to be the pilot township here in the south because 3 more townships depend on it, El Perro, Caracolí and Guaimaral, and there is only health for 8 hours with terrible service,” noted a venador.

By Andrea Guerra Peña / EL PILÓN.

[email protected]

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