Home » “Good morning Norway”-Camilla participates in “The hunt for love”:

“Good morning Norway”-Camilla participates in “The hunt for love”:

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“Good morning Norway”-Camilla participates in “The hunt for love”:

Many Norwegians are used to seeing Camilla Botilsrud Sagen (31) steadily leading “Good morning Norway” from the yellow sofa or as an outgoing reporter from every nook and cranny.

Before long, however, the Grue girl throws herself into unknown waters, leaving the TV studio in favor of barns, rubber boots and overalls. The 31-year-old is one of the four farmers who will go on the hunt for a lover in this year’s “The Hunt for Love”.

On the family farm at Kirkenær in Grue, Sagen will receive several prospective suitors this summer, and she hopes to find the right one among them.

See the rest of this year’s “The Hunt for Love” farmers here.

“THE JUNCTION” FARMER: “Good morning Norway” profile Camilla Botilsrud Sagen is in search of her soulmate in this year’s “The Hunt for Love”. Photo: Monster / TV 2

– I don’t think it’s that easy to date in 2024. I have a great desire to find a partner, and at the same time I have a big dream of having a small farm in Grue. Then I think that this is a fantastic opportunity to perhaps fulfill both dreams, says Sagen on the phone to TV 2.

See what it takes to get Camilla Botilsrud Sagen on the hook in the video at the top of the case.

The “Good morning Norway” presenter further says that she went into the thinking box before she filled in the application form. When the dating program rolled across the screen last autumn, she got blood on her teeth. After a year and a half of being single and fed up with dating apps, she wanted to go “extremely” to work.

– I thought: “My God, this is actually a perfect concept for me”. I started to plant that seed, and then an opportunity came to apply, and then I went many rounds with myself, chatted with some friends and took a big step and bet properly, then I sent in an application.

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This is where the harness comes in

– Scary

As a “Good Morning Norway” profile, Sagen is not worried about being labeled as “The Hunt”-Camilla. Rather, it is showing her vulnerable and naked self through the TV route that worries her the most.

– What I am afraid of is that I will be Camilla for the first time. I put my heart on a silver platter and show who I am when I’m not in “Good morning Norway”, and it feels very vulnerable and scary. I think that love has been a bit difficult, and it is something that I sincerely seek and long for. There is no point in hiding behind. It is Camilla Botilsrud Sagen in her full costume, from head to toe, she says, and continues:

– I have the ability to be myself on screen. But now it will be about me, and not about the interviewee or about issues that are important to promote. At the same time, it can be nice to show who I am too. Maybe someone has their thoughts about what I’m like – and maybe it’s true, and maybe it’s not.

She adds that she does not participate for TV time.

– I get enough of that in my job. I am joining because I want a partner, and not for anything else.

Here, the presenter spreads her legs on the air

Redd for null frierbrev

In the future, the exuberant farmer eagerly awaits proposal letters from the country’s single men. Despite a familiar face, Sagen admits that she has little faith that there will be a record number of letters, and fears that the pile will be thin.

– I am genuinely afraid that there will be no letter. It’s not meat, she says, and continues:

– Honestly, I now know how many laps I have had to go with myself to dare to cross that threshold. I have grown up enough to dare this, so I hope that there are some men who will man up and send letters.

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The case has secured some letters of sympathy if, contrary to conjecture, it were to cross.

– I have asked friends and colleagues if they could possibly send someone, so I have something, she says and laughs, before continuing:

– That is perhaps what I stress a little more about. I am afraid that people will not dare to sign up. But I only need that one in the pile. I will not marry many.

PROPOSAL LETTER: “The hunt for love” farmer Camilla Botilsrud Sagen wants proposal letters from single, kind men. Photo: Monster / TV 2

She describes her dream man as kind and charming.

– I am looking for a person who is genuinely kind. I think kind is the most underrated quality. It is so easy to think that everyone is kind and decent, but a person who is kind has many fine qualities. And then I like to laugh and have fun, so I think humor is important.

The case also highlights good chemistry as essential.

– Everyday dating with apps and photos is challenging. You can meet someone through apps and you don’t know what kind of chemistry you have with them, and then there’s no spark there at all. It is needed for me.

Don’t want to kiss on TV

When the 31-year-old will find happiness with the TV cameras in tow in a few months, she is both excited and full of nerves.

– I think it will be very exciting, fun and nice. I know I’m going to have a stomach ache, be super nervous and probably squat a couple of times. It will be strange that there will be a bunch of men who are there to get to know me. No one has seen me in a dating situation, except people I’ve dated. And now potentially the whole of Norway will see it. It can give me sleepless nights, she says.

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TV KISS?: Camilla Botilsrud Sagen is ready to fall head over heels in love in this year’s “The Hunt for Love”, but refuses to kiss on TV. Photo: Monster / TV 2

The experienced TV profile believes that she gets used to the camera lens following her around from the first speed date, but that it can backfire on her later – she has decided not to kiss on TV.

– Because I’m used to the camera, I might forget that it’s there a little too quickly, and that it’s going to be a kiss. I have thought that it should not happen. God, so small. I can’t stand pillow TV. I said there will be no kissing on TV.

Nevertheless, Sagen does not put herself completely on the back foot, and would rather try to get away from the camera, should sparks arise between her and a suitor.

– I can’t lock myself. If there’s chemistry and emotion, then it’s clear that it can happen, but I find some loopholes when the camera isn’t there, she says with a laugh.

Mess it up completely live: – No, no, no!

The inland girl lives in the hope of being hit by Cupid’s arrows through participation in “The hunt for love”.

– I have a thought that it could be an amazingly beautiful summer with one person. I’m crossing my fingers that he’s there. I really hope to find the right one through “The Hunt for Love”, which can be part of the roller coaster when it is broadcast on TV – in secret.

– Now people have to send in proposal letters, that is, concludes the farmer gently.

Do you want to write to “The Hunt”-Camilla? Send a proposal letter, her.

Season 21 of “The hunt for love” premieres on TV 2 Direkte and TV 2 Play this fall.

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