Home » World Kidney Day. Free visits to the Messina Polyclinic

World Kidney Day. Free visits to the Messina Polyclinic

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World Kidney Day.  Free visits to the Messina Polyclinic

World Kidney Day Celebrated with Free Visits at “Gaetano Martino” Polyclinic in Messina

On Thursday, March 14th, the Nephrology Unit of the “Gaetano Martino” Polyclinic in Messina, led by Prof. Domenico Santoro, will be opening its doors to celebrate World Kidney Day. This global event aims to raise awareness about kidney diseases and promote early detection and prevention.

From 8am to 2pm, visitors can access the clinic area of Pavilion B to receive a free visit, blood pressure measurement, and urine test. Information materials will also be distributed, and reservations for further check-ups can be scheduled if needed.

Prof. Santoro emphasized the importance of early diagnosis, stating that simple tests can make a significant difference in preventing kidney diseases. The director of the Polyclinic, Giorgio Giulio Santonocito, encouraged citizens to take advantage of these screening opportunities, as early detection can lead to better management of the disease.

Chronic kidney disease affects over 850 million people worldwide and resulted in more than 3.1 million deaths in 2019. It is currently the eighth leading cause of death and is projected to become the fifth leading cause by 2040. By participating in World Kidney Day activities, individuals can take a proactive approach to their kidney health and potentially prevent serious complications in the future.

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