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vote updated today, 11; who leaves?

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vote updated today, 11;  who leaves?

The twelfth Wall of Big Brother Brasil 2024 (BBB 24) was formed on the night of Sunday, March 10 (10/03). This time, there were four nominations, with one person escaping in the Round Trip Test.

The vote in the hot seat is to leave, with the trio: Isabelle, Lucas and Yasmin.

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Yasmin, due to leaving the Leader’s Test, could not receive any immunization. Lucas Henrique, for the same reason, was already on Paredão. Leader Beatriz had a recommendation. She put Yasmin on Paredão. After that, the house began its vote. Matteus had 6 votes and was nominated.

Finally, the immunized person who was “in the leader’s sights” had the right to place a person on the Wall. Pitel nominated Isabelle. Matteus did better and escaped in the Round Trip Test. As a result, the public’s choice was between Isabelle, Lucas Henrique and Yasmin.

Deletion takes place Tuesday, 12th, right after the soap opera “Renascer”.

BBB 24 poll: who the public thinks should be eliminated from the reality show

The survey produced by THE PEOPLE indica Yasmin such as chosen by the public to appear on the program. The sister has 58,81% two votes against 32,02% by Lucas Henrique and 9,14% by Isabelle.

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