Home » Romanian President Iohannis is a candidate to become the next NATO chief

Romanian President Iohannis is a candidate to become the next NATO chief

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Romanian President Klaus Iohannis is a candidate to succeed Jens Stoltenberg as NATO Secretary General. He announced this in a short speech. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte now appears to be the big favorite to lead NATO from this autumn: he already has the support of Washington, London, Paris and Berlin, among others. Belgium also supports Rutte’s candidacy.

Source: BELGA

Today at 5:18 PM

In the speech, Iohannis pointed out his experience as president of a country that has played an important role in the alliance since the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The 32 NATO member states must all agree on Stoltenberg’s succession.

Observers previously pointed out that Iohannis’ nomination will complicate efforts by other allies to get Rutte appointed. The Romanian president recently called it “inadmissible” that none of the top jobs being discussed this year will go to someone from Eastern Europe.

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