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4 home remedies that are better

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Are you already tired of the numerous chemical cleaners you have used in the toilet? They are not only expensive, but also harmful to people and the environment. Surely you know that there are also natural alternatives, right? We show you the 4 best home remedies for a clean toilet without chemicals!

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It is a misconception that you need chemical cleaning products to combat problems such as urine scale, limescale and yellowing in the toilet. In fact, there are several natural solutions available if you want to clean the toilet without chemicals.

The problem with chemical cleaning products

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Buy a cleaner from the drugstore, spray the toilet bowl and then rinse it again, it couldn’t be easier. However, what many may not know is that these commercial cleaners contain toxic substances such as phthalates, quaternary ammonium compounds, butoxyethanol, and others. These aggressive chemicals pollute the environment and are even harmful to health when used in enclosed spaces. The most common health problems they cause include allergies, skin and eye irritation, and breathing difficulties.

The chemical cleaners can also damage the surface of the toilet and make the deposits worse over time.

The solution: natural home remedies

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You can also get the toilet sparkling clean using natural remedies. In some cases, these even work better than chemical cleaners, but without the negative side effects. Here are four of the best alternatives to your standard toilet cleaner.

Vinegar essence against lime

This is a versatile and powerful home remedy that is great for cleaning toilets (among many other things). Its high acidity makes it an effective descaler and disinfectant.

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Pour a few tablespoons of vinegar essence into the toilet. Let it sit for about 30 minutes before scrubbing with a toilet brush. Then flush the toilet thoroughly to remove any vinegar residue.

If there are limescale deposits on the walls of the toilet bowl or on the edge of the toilet, you can soak kitchen towels with vinegar essence and place them directly on the deposits. After allowing it to act for at least 30 minutes, remove the kitchen towels and scrub off the deposits with the toilet brush. Repeat if necessary.

Baking soda and vinegar duo against urine stone

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The yellow-brownish stains in the toilet bowl that result from the connection between hard water and human urine are also known as urine scale. It forms, among other things, on the edge, at the bottom of the pipe and along the waterline. Since urine stone can usually be very stubborn, it needs a strong solution to be removed.

This is where the powerful baking soda and vinegar combination comes into play. This is also an effective remedy for bad smells from the toilet.


Sprinkle half a cup of baking soda into the toilet, paying particular attention to the sediment. After 15 minutes, pour two cups of vinegar over it and use the toilet brush to spread it on all affected areas. The reaction between both home remedies breaks up the urine stone. After another 15 minutes, scrub the toilet bowl well and then rinse thoroughly.

Cola with baking soda for a clean toilet without chemicals

The soft drink is a real miracle cure in the household. The reason is the phosphoric acid it contains, which can effectively remove limescale stains and deposits on ceramics. To enhance their effect, you can mix some baking soda into the drink.

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You can use stale leftovers or open a new can. Mix the cola with two tablespoons of baking soda, then pour the mixture over the debris into the toilet. It is best to leave it on overnight. The next morning, give the toilet a quick scrub and rinse.

However, due to the high sugar content, this method is not recommended for regular use.

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Citric acid for regular cleaning

You can also use citric acid for weekly cleaning of the toilet or for light dirt. The acid has a low pH value of 1.8 and can therefore effectively dissolve urine scale and limescale. The home remedy also has a preventative effect and, if used regularly, will protect your toilet from brown stains and deposits in the future.


All you need is hot water and 3-4 tablespoons of citric acid powder. Since the method works best overnight, do the following before bed: Pour a few liters of hot water into the toilet. Then shake the citric acid down the sides of the toilet bowl and into the water. Leave the home remedy on all night and scrub with the brush in the morning. Then rinse off. The citric acid has a brightening effect and can make your toilet sparkling clean again.

A pleasant additional bonus: Citric acid leaves a pleasant citrus scent after cleaning.

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