Home » The National Week for the Oncology Prevention of LILT is starting

The National Week for the Oncology Prevention of LILT is starting

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The National Week for the Oncology Prevention of LILT is starting

The Italian League for the Fight against Cancer presented today to the Ministry of Health “Become an Influencer of Yourself”, the new awareness campaign created on the occasion of the National Week for Oncology Prevention, which aims to spread the culture of prevention as way of life. The Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci and the Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry Francesco Lollobrigida spoke at the press conference.

The event, which this year takes place from 16 to 24 March, involves the 106 Provincial Associations of LILT, distributed throughout the Italian territory, in a series of initiatives which have the aim of disseminating good practices, useful for reducing risk factors such as smoking, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, alcohol abuse and exposure to UV rays, as well as promoting adherence to screening programs and vaccinations against infections known to cause cancer.

During the National Oncology Prevention Week it will also be possible to make a reservation on the toll-free number SOS LILT 800 998877check-ups at prevention clinics, accompanied by the distribution of informative-scientific brochures relating to correct nutrition.

Also for this edition, Italian extra virgin olive oil is confirmed as the symbol of the campaign and, thanks to the collaboration with UNAPROL (Italian Olive Consortium), bottles of quality EVO oil supplied by the UNICO Consortium (Union of Olive Cooperatives) will be distributed. This food is a true health ally.

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