Home » Student community of the Las Camelias neighborhood was heard

Student community of the Las Camelias neighborhood was heard

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After a peaceful march, educational authorities agreed that fourth grade belonging to the Olaya Herrera institution, Las Camelias Headquarters, will continue to operate normally.

After a day of peaceful citizen mobilization, the parents and leaders of the Las Camelias neighborhood managed to be heard by the municipal authorities. After a consultation table, it was established that the fourth grade will continue to operate normally at the Enrique Olaya Herrera Educational Institution, Las Camelias headquarters.

The initial decision to transfer a fourth grade teacher from the aforementioned educational institution had generated discomfort among the student population and parents, who They had mobilized to defend their children’s right to education.

The notification of the transfer had generated concern among parents, as it implied the possible transfer of fourth grade students to the headquarters, which could affect their access to education.

The leaders of the sector had highlighted the excellent infrastructure of the Camelias headquarters and the importance of the permanence of the grade to guarantee the regular attendance of children at school.

Currently, there are 14 students in the fourth grade in Las Camelias, commune 10, eastern Neiva, and parents feared that the transfer would affect the educational development of their children.

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In addition, the leaders of the sector had expressed their concern about the lack of attention from the rector of the institution, evidencing the lack of updating of the information in the database between the institution and the Neiva Secretariat of Education.

Faced with this situation, parents called for a peaceful march that took place today in the Las Camelias neighborhood. The objective of the demonstration was to demand that the fourth grade be respected at the Las Camelias headquarters and that solutions be sought that would not affect the right to education of their children.

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Thanks to the mobilization and dialogue with the municipal authorities, a satisfactory agreement was reached for the student community in Las Camelias. Parents and neighborhood leaders thanked the educational authorities for their attention and hope that this agreement will guarantee quality education for their children in their own community.

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