Home » María Corina Machado will go to the Electoral Council of Venezuela to register her candidacy for the Presidency

María Corina Machado will go to the Electoral Council of Venezuela to register her candidacy for the Presidency

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María Corina Machado will go to the Electoral Council of Venezuela to register her candidacy for the Presidency

María Corina Machado to Present Presidential Candidacy Despite Disqualification

Former deputy María Corina Machado’s campaign command has announced their intent to register her candidacy for the presidency of Venezuela in the upcoming elections on July 28. Despite being disqualified by the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro, the campaign team plans to submit Machado’s candidacy to the National Electoral Council between March 21 and 25.

During a press conference, Andrea Tavares, a member of Machado’s political team, emphasized the commitment to change and the determination to fight for victory. The opposition leader has been banned from running for public office until 2036, but the team remains confident in their decision to push forward with her candidacy.

The Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), the main opposition coalition, is also mobilizing to register new voters and establish small groups of supporters nationwide. The CNE will open a special operation from March 18 to April 16 to update the voter registry ahead of the presidential elections.

Despite facing obstacles and what they consider an unfair election schedule, Machado’s campaign team remains focused on achieving victory and defeating Maduro. They are determined to continue the fight for freedom and democracy in Venezuela.

As the ruling United Socialist Party (PSUV) nominates Nicolás Maduro for a third consecutive term, the opposition is strategizing and preparing for a tough electoral battle. Former governor Henrique Capriles emphasized the importance of presenting an alternative to Machado’s disqualification, urging the opposition to unite and work towards a common goal.

The NGO Venezuelan Electoral Observatory (OEV) has raised concerns about the rushed election schedule and its impact on electoral guarantees and international observation. The CNE’s failure to provide sufficient time between the call for elections and voting day could jeopardize the fairness and transparency of the electoral process.

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Despite these challenges, Machado and her team remain determined to push forward and fight for a better future for Venezuela. The upcoming presidential elections will be a crucial moment for the opposition to demonstrate their strength and commitment to democracy.

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