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Military helicopter shot at in Esmeraldas

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Military helicopter shot at in Esmeraldas

A military helicopter carrying out an overflight in San Lorenzo de Esmeraldas was hit nine times by bullets, sparking concerns over the safety of military operations in the region. The attack occurred while the helicopter was flying over a drug laboratory in the El Derrumbe sector, according to reports from the Joint Command of the Armed Forces on Thursday, March 14, 2024.

The incident took place in the border area of Ecuador and Colombia, where drug trafficking groups operate. Fortunately, the crew of the helicopter was unharmed despite the fuselage being hit with bullets from long range firearms.

Following the attack, the Army announced that airborne military operations in the area would be intensified to combat the drug trafficking activities. It is presumed that the attackers used long range rifles in the assault.

San Lorenzo has been the site of multiple military operations since the declaration of internal armed conflict against 22 organized crime gangs declared as terrorists. Recent operations have led to significant arrests and seizures of weapons and illegal substances, including the capture of a prominent member of Los Tiguerones.

The safety and security of military personnel carrying out operations in the region remain a top priority as efforts continue to combat drug trafficking and organized crime in the area.

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