Home » Fibromyalgia, a disease still in the shadows: “At the moment there is no cure”

Fibromyalgia, a disease still in the shadows: “At the moment there is no cure”

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Fibromyalgia, a disease still in the shadows: “At the moment there is no cure”

Headline: Palazzo Farnese hosts conference on fibromyalgia, a mysterious disease affecting women

On Thursday, Palazzo Farnese opened its doors to a conference titled “Fibromyalgia: the invisible armor”, shedding light on a mysterious disease that primarily affects women in adulthood.

Fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread and intense pain involving muscles, tendons, and ligaments, increased muscle tension and stiffness, and general fatigue. The disease can also lead to psychiatric disorders such as depression and anxiety, making it a challenge to diagnose as it often involves excluding other disorders like multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Despite the prevalence of fibromyalgia, the causes of the disease remain unknown, and effective therapies are still lacking. The conference aimed to bring together doctors and specialists from various sectors to discuss the latest research and advancements in understanding and treating fibromyalgia.

One of the key speakers at the conference was Marcello Tassi, a renowned expert in the field, who presented his insights on the disease and shared updates on ongoing research efforts.

The conference at Palazzo Farnese served as a platform for education and collaboration, offering hope for the thousands of individuals affected by fibromyalgia worldwide. As researchers continue to strive for a better understanding of the disease, events like this provide valuable opportunities to exchange knowledge and support those living with fibromyalgia.

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