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Valledupar: an empty nursery?

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Valledupar: an empty nursery?

The results of the initiative’s recent survey ‘Valledupar, how are we doing’ They offer a revealing vision of the inhabitants’ perception of the city. The pessimism about the direction of Valledupar is overwhelming, with 78.4% of the participants. However, among the shadows of that disillusionment, a kind of ‘spark of hope’, with the 55.2% of the vallenatos still feeling satisfied with living in their city.

This duality of perceptions opens us to a fundamental question: How do we reconcile the general dissatisfaction with the persistent satisfaction of living in Valledupar? The answer is found in the need to recover the lost vision of the city as an emerging power, a vision that has faded since the glorious days when Valledupar It was considered the ‘Caribbean surprise’ in the eighties.

It is, more than necessary, imperative that Valledupar Renew your vision and aspire to become a thriving and prosperous city once again. This renewal cannot just be a matter of speech, it must be translated into concrete actions. It is time for residents to demand what their municipality truly needs: investment in infrastructure, job creation, improving security and promoting economic development.

But the responsibility, however, does not fall solely on the municipal authorities. Each vallenato must assume its role in this transformation process, without saying that love for Valledupar will solve its problems on its own. It is crucial that we all adopt a sense of belonging and responsibility towards our city. Valledupar It cannot advance if we ourselves, those of us who hurt it and live by it, do not actively commit ourselves to its progress.

The phrase “Valledupar is going badly, but it is a good residential area” leaves a worrying void. How can a city that faces so many challenges be a good residential area? The answer is simple: the true good life is full of progress, improvement and the collective will to improve every day. It is time for Valledupar to leave resignation behind and embrace its latent potential. The time for complacency has passed.

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The road to recovering Valledupar’s lost greatness will not be easy, but it is possible. It requires sagacity, determination and an unwavering commitment to the long-term future of our city. It’s time for you Valledupar regain its place as a true surprise of the Caribbean, a city in which all vallenatos they can be proud to call home.

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