Home » Not only could smoking and alcohol cause cancer but also these dreaded risk factors

Not only could smoking and alcohol cause cancer but also these dreaded risk factors

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As we all know, various factors almost always contribute to the development of tumors.
In fact, it is very rare that there is only one triggering cause, as it could happen for example in some hereditary forms. Among the most important risk factors, in addition to hereditary ones, there are certainly age and an incorrect lifestyle. In the latter case, the vices and the intake of carcinogenic substances for the organism weigh heavily.

For example, according to the most accredited studies, tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption remain among the main causes of cancer.
In Italy alone, smoking is responsible for one third of cancer deaths. In fact, it is the factor responsible for 90% of lung cancer and is also implicated in the development of other cancers.
The organs most affected are those in the oral cavity, the esophagus, the kidneys, the bladder; but also the breasts, colon, pancreas and stomach.
The same goes for alcohol which, even if consumed in moderation, could damage various organs and tissues.

However, not only could smoking and alcohol cause cancers but also these dreaded risk factors

Always remaining in the orbit of bad lifestyles, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle also play a crucial role in the formation of tumors. In fact, obesity could cause colon, gallbladder, uterus or breast cancers.
Closely connected to obesity is a sedentary lifestyle, which further increases the already catastrophic effects of overeating. In reality, however, this risk factor could also affect people considered to be of normal weight. The lack of movement, in fact, could create problems in the intestine, colon, breast or uterus.

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Other external factors

So, we just saw that not only smoking and alcohol could cause cancers but also these dreaded risk factors.
However, in addition to the behaviors that we can directly control and modify ourselves, there are other causes, which however depend on the environment that surrounds us.

For example, there are several chemicals that could increase the risk of cancer.
These include benzene, contained in solvents, in cigarette smoke and so on, which increase the risk of leukemia.
Other carcinogenic substances could be contained in some pesticides used in agriculture. Or, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which are found in grilled foods, or in the smoke produced by wood, are also dangerous. It should also be remembered the danger of asbestos and some potentially carcinogenic metals, such as lead, nickel, arsenic and so on.

In addition to chemicals, some physical agents may also be dangerous. For example, prolonged exposure to X-rays and radiation is very dangerous, or to radon gas, usually widespread in the lower floors of homes.
Finally, air pollution also increases the risk of contracting cancer. Some investigations have certified that there is a high mortality rate for those who are most exposed to fine dust.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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