Home » ‘Attributing the right value to extra virgin olive oil, we need to raise awareness’ – Food

‘Attributing the right value to extra virgin olive oil, we need to raise awareness’ – Food

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‘Attributing the right value to extra virgin olive oil, we need to raise awareness’ – Food

Attribute the right value to extra virgin olive oil, “natural medicine and investment for health“, as well as “the right social recognition to the farmers who produce it”. Thus says Tommaso Loio, president of Unapol, the National Union of Olive Producers Associations, commenting on what was said in recent days by the Minister of Agriculture, Francesco Lollobrigida, on the fact that it is not surprising if a liter of oil can reach very high prices.

“I take the liberty of urging Minister Lollobrigida, as already suggested a few months ago also as the Italian Olive Oil Supply Chain to Undersecretary La Pietra, to start an awareness campaign, in concert with the Ministry of Health, which invites consumers to constantly use this elixir. Buying a bottle of extra virgin olive oil cannot and should not be considered a cost, but an investment in your well-being”, says Loiodice.

“I have always maintained that the social value of olive growing is one of the strong points that gives it a role of fundamental and indispensable importance on the national scene. If only we could imagine our territories without the presence of olive trees – says Loiodice – the scenario would be ghostly, as it is today for those crossing the lands devastated by

This year, continues the president of Unapol, “Italian producers have seen the right margins recognized and the concept that this is determined by a pure economic situation linked to the poor production of our competitors in the Mediterranean area cannot prevail. Extra virgin olive oil, as the minister rightly states, it is a product that is good for health and from a health economics perspective, prevention is always better than cure”. “The hope – concludes Loiodice – is that we are at the beginning of an epochal change in approach to this wonderful and precious main product of the Mediterranean diet”.

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