Home » The “devil’s comet”: how to observe this rare phenomenon, which could be visible in the sky from Friday

The “devil’s comet”: how to observe this rare phenomenon, which could be visible in the sky from Friday

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The “devil’s comet”: how to observe this rare phenomenon, which could be visible in the sky from Friday

A celestial spectacle not to be missed. Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, also nicknamed the “devil’s comet”, will very soon be visible from Earth. The phenomenon is rare: it only occurs approximately every 71 years. The next time it will be possible to observe it will therefore be in… 2095. Here’s what you need to know, to be sure not to miss the boat.

What is the “devil’s comet”?

This celestial body, 30 km in diameter, orbits the Sun. It was spotted for the first time in 1812 by the concierge of the Marseille observatory Jean-Louis Pons, later promoted to astronomer.

The comet is made up of a core of ice and dust “which sublimates as it passes close to the sun, that is to say it passes into a gaseous state”, specifies Olivier Sanguy, editor-in-chief at the Cité de l’espace (Toulouse) to France Blue.

Why this name “devil’s comet”?

This nickname comes from the shape it takes after explosions. The sudden expulsion of gas and dust gives the comet’s hair the shape of horns. This notably happened in July 2023, where its brilliance was multiplied by 100, notes Numbers. Its shape then became more normal again, before returning to frenzied pace in October after two new explosions.

When to observe the “devil’s comet” in the sky?

The comet has unpredictable activity. It is therefore difficult to predict the best time to see it. It has already been observed in the sky and will become increasingly visible from March 22. The end of her journey is scheduled for April 21, when she will move away again. It will only be visible to residents of the southern hemisphere in June.

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How to observe the “devil’s comet” in the sky?

Currently at the limit of visibility with the naked eye, it is better to equip yourself with binoculars or a telescope to appreciate the spectacle up close.

The less light pollution, the more likely the star is to be spotted. And to make sure you don’t miss anything, you’ll have to look to the northwest, towards the constellation Andromeda. A specialized free application like Stellarium can be very useful to locate it.

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