Home » Blinken accuses China of so-called “provocative behavior” in the South China Sea, Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The United States has no right to intervene

Blinken accuses China of so-called “provocative behavior” in the South China Sea, Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The United States has no right to intervene

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Blinken accuses China of “provocative behavior” in the South China Sea, Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The United States has no right to intervene

On March 19, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian hosted a regular press conference where he addressed recent comments made by US Secretary of State Blinken regarding China’s actions in the South China Sea.

Blinken had accused China of engaging in “provocative behavior” in the region and reiterated the US’s security commitment to the Philippines. In response, Lin Jian stated that the United States is not a party to the South China Sea issue and therefore has no right to intervene in the sea-related disputes between China and the Philippines.

He emphasized that any military cooperation between the US and the Philippines should not infringe upon China’s sovereignty and maritime rights in the South China Sea. Lin Jian also warned against using such cooperation as an excuse for the Philippines to make illegal claims in the region.

China, he added, will continue to take necessary measures to defend its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights in the South China Sea in order to maintain peace and stability in the region.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ strong response highlights the ongoing tensions in the South China Sea, where multiple countries have competing territorial claims. As the US and China continue to clash over various issues, the situation in the region remains complex and potentially volatile.

The Ministry’s statement serves as a reminder of China’s firm stance on the South China Sea dispute and its commitment to protecting its interests in the region.

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(Disclaimer: The content of this article represents the author’s personal views and does not necessarily reflect the views of Xinhua Newspaper Network. Readers are advised to verify the information independently.)

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