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Itching and a swollen stomach could be signs of a worrying physical condition

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Our body is a perfect machine and when something is wrong, one way or another, it turns on a light. That is why it is essential to learn to listen to him. For example, it is advisable to pay attention to this underestimated symptom because it can be the sign of a serious malaise. In fact, it can often happen, a little above all for fear, of not giving the right importance to some signals. Therefore it is essential to consult your doctor and perform regular checks and adopt these 3 behaviors that many ignore before the analyzes.

In fact, itching and a swollen belly could be the signs of a worrying physical condition, determined by an annoying allergy to a very common metal. It is an allergy to nickel, a metal present in various minerals and in the soil, which is used for making jewelry, coins, pots. It is also present in beauty products, personal hygiene products, in numerous foods, such as chocolate, nuts, and many vegetables. This hypersensitivity is very common especially in women and can appear at any age.

Itching and a swollen stomach could be signs of a worrying physical condition

This type of allergy is one of the main causes of allergic contact dermatitis, caused by a reaction of our immune system to this metal. Once developed, it hardly disappears and it is necessary to learn to live with it. In particular, once you have become sensitive to this metal, it is also enough to ingest something that contains it, to cause the allergic reaction.

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The main symptom is an itchy contact rash, a visible redness. In some people, various disorders may also occur, such as hives, widespread itching or erythema, eczema, constipation, bloating, headache, asthenia, asthma attacks and digestive disorders. The disturbances usually occur within 48 hours of contact with this metal.

What to do?

When these symptoms occur it is advisable to consult your doctor and carry out all specific tests such as the patch test. In particular, it is a patch with a gradual release of small amounts of nickel. It is applied on the arm or back, for at least 48 hours.

Once the nickel allergy has been ascertained, it will be advisable to take preventive measures, recommended by a specialist. As well as carefully reading the labels of cosmetic products and knowing well the foods that contain it, limiting its consumption. In fact, it is unhealthy to eliminate certain foods on your own, without a doctor’s advice.


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(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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