Home » Bergen shopping center closed after suspicion of several arson fires

Bergen shopping center closed after suspicion of several arson fires

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Bergen shopping center closed after suspicion of several arson fires

Fire crews discovered another fire after the first fire was extinguished. Two minors have been arrested, according to VG.

Emergency services were dispatched following a report of a fire at the shopping centre. Published: Published:

Less than 2 hours ago

Operations manager Dan Erik Johannessen informs at around 22.15 to VG that they have control over two minors, who have been arrested near the centre.

– They have been taken to the child protection service to connect with parents, he says.

The operations manager does not want to disclose the gender or age of the arrested. The case will be followed up as a criminal case, he says.

Notification of fire

On Tuesday at 20.50, the police received a report of a fire inside Bergen storsenter.

The fire was quickly extinguished, but there was still a lot of smoke inside.

According to BT’s photographer at the centre, just over 50 people were outside shortly after the emergency call.

Duty commander Håkon Myking said that the fire brigade first received an automatic fire alarm.

They were met by a watchman who said that there had been a fire, but that the fire had been extinguished.

Many self-evacuated due to the smell of smoke.

Suspect arson

Fire crews then discovered that there was a fire in a wood stove, according to Myking.

– It appears to have been set on fire, both the first fire and the second. We secure both video images and other things, so we have hope that we will be able to find out who is behind it, operations manager Dan Erik Johannessen.

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Fire officials said crews were struggling to ventilate the air.

Fire crews discovered another fire after the first fire was extinguished.

– Very regrettable incident

Center manager Odd Rune Bjørge says the following to BT:

– It is a very regrettable incident with what we can ascertain is an arson. As a shopping centre, we have a good fire warning system which means that the guards were notified immediately, so they were able to extinguish the fire quickly before the sprinkler system was triggered.

Fire crews and an ambulance moved out after the fire was reported.

Center managers add that the material damage is therefore not the worst part of the incident.

– The worst thing here is that such situations can be a danger to life and health. Fortunately, it went well because of the guards’ quick reaction, says Bjørge.

Furthermore, he says that it will be the police who take on the rest of the investigation.

– We have video surveillance which can hopefully reveal who may have been behind it.

Earlier in March, there was a fire in a toilet at Bergen storsenter. That incident also triggered a larger emergency call.


Published: March 19, 2024 8:56 p.m

Updated: March 19, 2024 10:38 p.m

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