Home » The Lost Universe: NASA is giving away space role-playing games

The Lost Universe: NASA is giving away space role-playing games

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The Lost Universe: NASA is giving away space role-playing games

What do NASA and role-playing games have in common? In most cases, the people involved are a bunch of nerds. NASA took advantage of this and then released its own role-playing game in pen & paper format.

Those: NASA

Sounds far-fetched, but it’s true. The US space agency NASA now has its own role-playing game called The Lost Universe released that could make nerds’ hearts beat faster. The setting takes place – how could it be otherwise, in space. NASA wants to give players knowledge about space and the universe at the same time. So grab your friends and go on a wondrous journey into space together. And the best thing is: you can download the role-playing game for free.

That’s what it’s about

What would happen if the Hubble Telescope disappeared? You have to investigate these and other questions in The Lost Universe. The role-playing game playfully combines interesting facts about space with an exciting story in pen & paper style.

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The story: Together with your companions, you awaken in a strange city called Aldstron on the villainous planet Exlaris. A dark secret lies over the city, as all the scholars and scientists who dedicated themselves to exploring the cosmos have disappeared without a trace. Just like the Hubble Space Telescope, which appears to have disappeared from Earth’s timeline. Now it’s up to your group of brave adventurers to uncover the secrets of space and free the universe and the earth from an evil force. As I said, you can download the documents you need for the game completely free of charge. Here is the link.

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So grab a pen and paper and explore the adversities of the cosmos together with your group. This intergalactic adventure is designed for a party of 4-7 characters, levels 7-10, and is easily adaptable to your favorite tabletop role-playing game system (TTRPG). The campaign lasts around three to four hours, which makes the whole thing an exciting change in between. Face a sinister villain together and overcome various challenges by making use of your scientific skills and the know-how behind them.

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