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“Too bad, we had to be more cynical in front of their door”

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Walter Mazzarri is still satisfied with the performance “They did more than I expected and that’s okay”

ROME. It was not for a moment still. There was very little left in the technical area, he was always out and luckily for him the fourth man let him do it. He took off his jacket after only 2 ‘and talked continuously with the bench. This is Walter Mazzarri, the new helmsman of Cagliari. The man who lives football with passion, with a monstrous competitive charge. The same one that he will try to convey to his team in the next training sessions, even if something has already been seen yesterday, because the rossoblù have been able to withstand the assault of a hungry Lazio after starting the season not exactly in the best way.

«Regret not for the lack of victory. Great performance by the boys, I didn’t expect it, I’m honest, we weren’t lucid and we weren’t able to realize the many opportunities we had but the team responded very well ».

Is 4-4-2 the right form? «We will not have only one way to play – adds Mazzarri -. We will not always do the same things. In the final we lowered ourselves too much due to lack of energy ». He found the adrenaline rush. «I know how to adapt to all situations. When I was stopped I studied. I have seen many matches in Italy and abroad. I think standing still has only done me good. What I’m happy about is that my kids get things done quickly. This is a big plus. Their availability is essential for improvement ».

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Cagliari loose cannon? Mazzarri twists his mouth: «We don’t fly fancy, we go forward game after game, working seriously and giving everything on the pitch as we did today. Lazio is a very strong team that aims high, we were up to par and with a little more luck, maybe we could even win ».

Joao Pedro once again super. But Nandez and Marin were also authors of a great performance. “I don’t like talking about individuals, I evaluate the team as a whole – the Cagliari coach hastens to specify -. But I can say that today all three played an exemplary game in terms of quality and sacrifice. Nandez would have deserved to score on that occasion with a header, it seemed like a goal already scored. Too bad, for him it would have been the icing on the cake ». The coach concludes: «Now we are already thinking about Empoli. There is no time to train. The concrete assessments will be made in a month or so. For now I have a very good feeling. And they are enough for me ».


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