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They authorized the participation of children on the trips and controversy broke out

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They authorized the participation of children on the trips and controversy broke out

The Directorate of Natural Resources of La Pampa generated controversy by allowing the participation of children in hunting events with packs. Protective groups warn about possible acts of cruelty and violation of Children’s Rights. Furthermore, the provision – issued on February 29 – sparked criticism and concerns at the national level.

Through provision 55 of February 29 of this year, The state agency authorized the participation of children under 18 years of age in pack hunting, although they must be accompanied by one of their parents, legal representative or an authorized third party. The requirement includes a certified written authorization and possession of your DNI or identification card.

Among the concerns of animal protection associations, The exposure of children to acts of cruelty towards animals and the “possible interpretation” that child labor is enabled, prohibited by current legislation, were highlighted.. The decision of the Pampas government provoked rejection and questions from these organizations at the national level.

The provision, which modifies article 2 bis of Provision No. 051/24, specifically refers to the presence of minors in the trucks used to transport dogs during pack hunting. However, its implementation intensified the debate on ethics in hunting and respect for the rights of minors.

It should be noted that, two years ago, uA court ruling caused controversy because it attempted to prohibit the activity.

With information from En Boca de Todos

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