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what it is and where it can be used

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what it is and where it can be used

by mondopalermo.it – ​​7 minutes ago

Neteller is one of the most popular active e-wallets in the world, one of the electronic wallets that allows you to manage and exchange money in a very simple, quick and secure way. The global platform is usually used to transfer money in the context of commerce, trading services, social networks or gambling sites.

Users can top up their Neteller account through a transfer from their current account, or, vice versa, regardless of their location, they can transfer their balance to their bank account or card if they need to withdraw the funds in their account. Users in the European Economic Area and the United Kingdom can add a Net+ Mastercard to their account to pay with their balance in physical stores or withdraw cash from ATMs.


In more detail, Neteller is owned and operated by international payments company Paysafe, along with former competitor Skrill and prepaid payment system paysafecard. The service was launched in 1999 in Canada and later moved to the Isle of Man in 2004. In 2015, the then Optimal Payments Plc (now Paysafe) finalized a transformational transaction for the global payments industry by acquiring Skrill Group, one of largest online payment systems in Europe and among the largest independent digital wallet providers in the world.

How does it work

Neteller is not a bank and does not lend money to customers. Under the electronic money rules of the FCA (a UK financial regulator that operates independently of the UK government) Neteller must hold user funds in trust accounts, separate from its own operating cash, in sufficient quantities to repay all account balances. users at the same time.

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On the user side, you can start depositing money on Neteller quickly and easily with a commission of just 1% if you use a bank transfer. Italian users seem to be increasingly prepared for this type of solution, if we also and above all consider the growing use of digital transactions compared to traditional cash. The field of online use is very vast, because the service can be active even where credit or debit cards do not work. You can find Neteller on thousands of sites. Payments are always instant and free and offer great security. After depositing money into the account, users can spend their money using the Net+ Prepaid Mastercard both online and in-store. To achieve maximum convenience with even faster and simpler payments, you can also add the Net+ card to Apple Pay.

Online casino

Neteller began developing payments for online gambling in the year 2000, when it processed payments for 85% of the world‘s gambling operators. 95% of the company’s revenue at that time came from fund transfers to online gaming platforms, with many users based in the United States. US users’ accounts were restricted when the company exited the US, and funds were released after July 30, 2007.

Following this forced exit from the US market, and the risks associated with online gambling, the company sought to diversify. To date, as one can demonstrate Neteller casino list There are many providers active in Italy that rely on the payment service to offer a further opportunity to their customers. The list also includes historic operators in the online gaming sector in our country.

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Physical stores

In 2003, the Neteller Card was launched and a few years later, in 2008, the card was renamed Net+. Under the name Net+, Neteller offers Mastercard prepaid debit cards, virtual cards and customizable card programs. Users can use their card to pay wherever Mastercard is accepted and withdraw their balance in cash. It should also be noted that in our Sicily and Palermo the use of cashless payments is growing even if the level remains low compared to the national average. The Net+ card is only available to residents of the UK and the European Economic Area.


Other features of the service include money transfers, cryptocurrency transactions and currency exchange. Neteller’s Crypto service is only active in some countries. With this option you can exchange Fiat or Bitcoin currencies for all available cryptocurrencies and take advantage of the most convenient price fluctuations.

Disclaimer – The post entitled: «Neteller: what it is and where it can be used appeared 7 minutes ago in the online newspaper mondopalermo.it».

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