Home » Strange asteroids look like dog bones | Planets | Dog bones

Strange asteroids look like dog bones | Planets | Dog bones

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This is the “dogbone asteroid” and its two moons captured by the Great Telescope. (European Southern Observatory)

Text/Reporter Chen Juncun

Asteroids are small celestial bodies that orbit the sun in an elliptical orbit. They have different masses and shapes. Most of them orbit in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. In this area, there is an asteroid with a strange shape, like a huge dog bone. It has been discovered for more than 140 years.

This asteroid was first discovered by astronomers in 1880. It is called “dog-bone asteroid” (dog-bone asteroid) or Kleopatra (Kleopatra), which is named after the queen of ancient Egypt Cleopatra VII (also known as Cleopatra VII) of.

With the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (Very Large Telescope) built in Chile, astronomers have recently obtained the clearest and most detailed picture of the Porn Queen star. This helps provide clues about how the asteroid and its two moons formed.

According to the website of the observatory, Franck Marchis, an astronomer at the SETI Institute in California, who led a research on asteroids, said: “The Empress is really a unique one in the solar system. Celestial bodies.”

Markis said that scientists have made substantial progress in studying pornographic queen stars. He believes that understanding this complex asteroid system will help to further understand the solar system.

In 2008, Markis and his colleagues discovered that there are two satellites of the Queen’s Star. They named the two satellites after the two children of Cleopatra.

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With the assistance of the Very Large Telescope, Markis’s research team discovered that the Porn Queen star is in the shape of a dog bone, and one end is larger than the other. The length of this asteroid is about 270 kilometers, which is almost half the length of the English Channel.

This is the This is the “dogbone asteroid” and its two moons captured by the Great Telescope. (European Southern Observatory)

Porn Queen is believed to contain metallic ingredients. Due to its low density, it may be a porous structure, a bit like a pile of rubble. This means that it may have been formed by the accumulation of matter again after a huge impact.

The rubble structure of the Empress and the way it rotates also reveals how its two satellites were formed. Markis’s research team believes that these two satellites are made up of rubble from the porn star and are really “born” from it. ◇


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