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Running as a lifestyle and well-being

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Running as a lifestyle and well-being

Running Changes Lives: An Interview with Sandro Siviero and Martino Pietropoli

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Running has long been known to have physical benefits, but what about its effects on the mind and overall well-being? We sat down with Sandro Siviero and Martino Pietropoli, experts in the field of running and authors of the book “Running Changes Your Life,” to delve deeper into the transformative power of this simple yet powerful activity.

According to Siviero and Pietropoli, running is more than just a sport – it is a lifestyle. They explain that while many people start running for physical fitness or weight loss, they often find that the mental and emotional benefits far outweigh the initial motivations. Running becomes a daily habit, a form of self-care and a way to escape the stresses of everyday life.

“Running is not only good for muscles and our physical form, probably the organ that benefits most from it is the brain.”

– Sandro Siviero and Martino Pietropoli

The pair highlights the fact that running allows individuals to connect with themselves on a deeper level, leading to increased self-awareness and a shift in perspective. As they explain, the physical exertion of running triggers the release of endorphins, which can lead to feelings of bliss and improved mood.

But can running truly change lives? Siviero and Pietropoli believe that it can, but only if done with awareness. Running alone with your thoughts can stimulate lateral thinking, leading to new ideas, different viewpoints, and innovative solutions. It can also help individuals better understand the connection between mind and body, leading to a more holistic approach to health and well-being.

Despite the many benefits of running, Siviero and Pietropoli emphasize that it is a sport for everyone, regardless of age or physical condition. They recommend starting slowly and consulting with a doctor before beginning a running routine, especially for those who are overweight or have existing health issues.

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In their book, “Running Changes Your Life,” Siviero and Pietropoli provide practical advice and insights for runners of all levels, emphasizing the importance of details such as shoes, stretching, and race preparation. They encourage readers to see running not just as a physical activity, but as a metaphor for life – a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

So next time you lace up your running shoes, remember that you’re not just going for a jog – you’re embarking on a path towards a new version of yourself.

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