Home » Stiftung Warentest: The best Bluetooth headphones 2024

Stiftung Warentest: The best Bluetooth headphones 2024

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Stiftung Warentest: The best Bluetooth headphones 2024

Stiftung Warentest tested in-ear and over-ear Bluetooth headphones. PR/Business Insider

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In the home office, while doing sports or in line at the supermarket checkout: headphones are an integral part of everyday life. That’s why there are now an almost unmanageable number of different models that are intended to provide support in every situation. Stiftung Warentest tested (almost) all of them. Since 2020, the consumer organization has had a total of 310 different Bluetooth headphones examined more closely. New: 26 models that were presented in the April issue (2024) of “Test” magazine. The test reports are continually expanded and updated online.

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Bluetooth headphones tested at Stiftung Warentest

For the test, the headphones were assessed based on various criteria. For example, the following were taken into account: Tonthe active Noise cancellation (if available), the Comfort and the handlingthe battery packdie durability as well as any pollutants. What came of it? Of the 310 Bluetooth headphones tested since 2020 229 models were awarded the “good” quality rating. The grade “satisfactory” went to 68 models and the grade “sufficient” to six. The remaining seven headphones failed the test with a grade of “poor”. Of the 26 new modelswhich were examined for the April issue (2024) of “Test” magazine, A total of 23 were good and only three were satisfactory.

Test winner at Stiftung Warentest: The best Bluetooth headphones

And which model was chosen by the experts from Stiftung Warentest? Test winner chosen? There are several answers to this – depending on the headphone category. So the consumer organization in the best in-ear Bluetooth headphones as well as the best headphones divided.

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For the current test were in the category In-ear headphones a total of 14 new models examined, all of which were found to be good. In addition, the six best from the preliminary test were presented (issue 11/2023). Both Twelve new headphones were addedof those nine good ones and three satisfactory ones have achieved results. This list has also been expanded to include the six best from the preliminary test. Which headphones particularly stood out? These are the best Bluetooth headphones from both categories:

The best in-ear Bluetooth headphones

Two of the 20 new and old in-ear headphones share the top spot. With the Overall grade 1.7 The following models were slightly better than the competition:

The best over-ear Bluetooth headphones

There are also two models among the headband headphones that were slightly better than the rest. So these two models were created with the Overall grade 1.8 Chosen as test winner:

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Conclusion: Which Bluetooth headphones are best?

First, you should ask yourself whether you would rather In-ear headphones or an over-ear model would have. Both options have advantages and disadvantages that you should consider. For long gaming sessions, for example Over-ear models are more suitable as they are more comfortable in the long run. Anyone who travels a lot and often packs and unpacks the headphones is in with one flexible in-ear model better served. Should you, for example for working in an open-plan office, use the feature of Noise cancellation important, it is also worth taking a look at the best models in this category. No matter which type of headphones you choose: you can’t go wrong with the models that landed at the top in the test!

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