Home » US legislators approve restoration of sanctions on the Maduro regime – El Nuevo Herald

US legislators approve restoration of sanctions on the Maduro regime – El Nuevo Herald

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In a historic move, US legislators have approved the reimposition of sanctions on the Maduro regime in Venezuela. The US House of Representatives recently voted to reauthorize sanctions against the regime, a decision that has been met with both support and criticism from various sectors.

The “Truth” Law, as it has been dubbed, seeks to hold the Maduro regime accountable for its actions and address the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. The legislation aims to reimpose strict sanctions on the regime, which had been temporarily lifted in recent months.

The approval of the sanctions comes just one month before the expiration of US sanctions relief on Venezuela. The move has created suspense in the country as many wonder about the potential impact on the political and economic situation in Venezuela.

Critics of the decision argue that the reimposition of sanctions could further exacerbate the already dire humanitarian situation in Venezuela. Supporters, on the other hand, believe that the sanctions are necessary to pressure the Maduro regime to address the crisis and restore democracy in the country.

The approval of the sanctions sends a strong message to the Maduro regime and signals a renewed effort by the US to support the Venezuelan people in their fight for freedom and democracy. The international community will be closely monitoring the impact of these sanctions on Venezuela in the coming weeks and months.

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