Home » BER4UA Event Berlin 2024 in der Villa Grisebach – Mode, Shopping, Designer, Trends

BER4UA Event Berlin 2024 in der Villa Grisebach – Mode, Shopping, Designer, Trends

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BER4UA Event Berlin 2024 in der Villa Grisebach – Mode, Shopping, Designer, Trends

On March 19, 2024, the BER4UA event dedicated to supporting Ukraine took place at the Grisebach auction house. It was an unforgettable evening that combined music, fashion and social engagement to raise funds through auctions.

Solidarity and Ukrainian culture

BER4UA stands for Berliners for Ukraine and is a grassroots initiative of Berliners who share a committed long-term vision for an independent Ukraine. To this end, they regularly launch fundraising campaigns, of which 100% of the donations go to carefully selected local organizations in Ukraine.

On Tuesday, BER4UA celebrated Ukraine’s rich cultural diversity and once again brought together many people who are passionate about an important cause. The event also offered an insight into the work of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that support Ukraine. That evening they celebrated resilience, cultural heritage, music, art and finally fashion.

Charity auction and fashion showcase

In addition to musical performances, for example by the duo TANKATAKA or DJ be_ca_di (ОЧІ / Shum.Rave) with rousing sounds, the guests were treated to a fashion showcase. Several renowned Ukrainian designers presented one of their self-designed outfits for display and for the auction.

Guests interested in fashion had the opportunity to take part in the charity auction and not only buy valuable works of art, but also fashion and couture.

Designer Jean Gritsfeldt

Alexandru Goos, PLNGNS, Jean Gritsfeldt, Dobrova, Sheezen and Litkovska presented their latest creations in the promising showcase and some of these designers were happy to answer questions about their designs on site.

Designer Dobrova

All six looks dealt with Ukrainian culture and the suffering and pain of Ukrainians. The proceeds went to the supported NGOs.

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Designer Sheezen

BER4UA hosted a night with a good cause that touched hearts and used music, art and fashion to illustrate the importance of togetherness.

Anyone who would like to support the campaign can donate by bank transfer or scan the QR code, which will take you to the PayPal page.
IBAN: DE52 3702 0500 0001 8388 01
Bank for Social Economy

Please specify “BER4UA” in the comment

Author: Aaliyah Netnakhon – Photos: KOWA-Berlin

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