Home » The Maduro regime still does not allow the registration of Corina Yoris, and enabled 9 applicants who pretend to be opponents

The Maduro regime still does not allow the registration of Corina Yoris, and enabled 9 applicants who pretend to be opponents

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The Maduro regime still does not allow the registration of Corina Yoris, and enabled 9 applicants who pretend to be opponents

Nicolás Maduro Seeks to Remove Main Figures of Venezuelan Opposition From Electoral Route

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has once again demonstrated his unwillingness to adhere to the Constitution and ensure free and transparent elections in the country. The regime has qualified ten candidates for the upcoming elections, including Maduro himself, who is seeking to extend his mandate, and nine other applicants who claim to be opposition figures.

However, the regime continues to block the registration of Corina Yoris, who was presented as a candidate for the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) following the disqualification of María Corina Machado. Despite international pressure, Maduro has sought to weaken the opposition leader and prevent her from participating in the upcoming elections.

María Corina Machado, who had initially announced her candidacy last year but was later disqualified, has chosen Corina Yoris as her replacement. Yet, the opposition has faced obstacles in registering Yoris as a candidate, with the National Electoral Council allegedly blocking access to the registration system.

As speculation continues about the opposition’s candidacy, the Chavista electoral justice system has accepted registrations from candidates who have been acting in favor of the regime. Among the candidates authorized by the regime are Nicolás Maduro, Luis Eduardo Martínez, Daniel Ceballos, Antonio Ecarri, and others who have aligned themselves with Chavismo.

Despite the challenges faced by the opposition, some candidates have formally announced their nominations. Pastor Javier Bertucci and comedian Benjamín Rausseo are among those who have entered the race for the presidency, with promises of democracy and rebuilding the country.

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As the opposition struggles to register their candidate and face obstacles imposed by the regime, the future of the electoral process in Venezuela remains uncertain. Maduro is expected to make his candidacy official soon, with the support of the PSUV and other leftist blocs. The election process is scheduled to take place on July 28, but concerns remain about the fairness and transparency of the elections in the face of government interference.

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