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This has to be more original again

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This has to be more original again

It is night on the German-Polish border. Three young, excited guys shoot around with hunting rifles and threaten each other, just for fun. The next day one of them is found on the banks of the Oder, dead with a bullet in his stomach. Alexandra Luschke (Gisa Flake), the energetic new commissioner in the easternmost police call team, and detective Rogov (Frank Leo Schröder), now gray in honor, are investigating together for the first time. Solid, not a sparkling pairing. Unfortunately, colleague Vincent Ross, who otherwise enriches the crime thriller with gender-fluid apartness, is absent due to “training”. Actor André Kaczmarczyk takes his Düsseldorf theater commitments seriously and probably didn’t have time, but the RBB promises fans that he will be there again soon.

Too many East-West clichés

Well, he didn’t miss a thing in this episode. The script was created in a so-called writers’ room with at least four authors, and looks as if an AI program had automatically processed East-West clichés in a crime-like manner. There are the arrogant Wessis, lawyers from Berlin, who can afford a manor house and go wild boar hunting in Poland, ignoring the rules. Particularly suspicious: the mentally unstable, fraudulent son of the omnipotent law firm boss. And there are the poor, fundamentally good locals: the game warden who turns a blind eye under pressure, the struggling old farmer’s wife whose beloved animals have already been culled because of nasty swine fever restrictions, and her adorable daughter who speaks German and takes care of everything . You quickly suspect what tragic complications will come to light at the end. This has to be more original again. Recommended: independent screenwriters.

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Police call 110: Pigs, Sunday (March 24th), ARD, 8:15 p.m.

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