Home » “Withdrawal of 2,000 personnel increase” Medical school professor resigns… Including 3 of the ‘Big 5’ (comprehensive) :: Sympathetic Media Newsis News Agency ::

“Withdrawal of 2,000 personnel increase” Medical school professor resigns… Including 3 of the ‘Big 5’ (comprehensive) :: Sympathetic Media Newsis News Agency ::

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“Withdrawal of 2,000 personnel increase” Medical school professor resigns…  Including 3 of the ‘Big 5’ (comprehensive) :: Sympathetic Media Newsis News Agency ::

Starting with three hospitals under Korea University Medical Center

Ulsan University, Yonsei University, Seoul National University School of Medicine, etc.

Catholic University and Sungkyunkwan University medical schools are also planned.

[대구=뉴시스] Reporter Lee Moo-yeol = Medical staff are moving at a university hospital in Daegu on the 25th, when medical school professors across the country, protesting against the government’s allocation of medical school seats, announced a mass resignation. 2024.03.25. [email protected]

[서울=뉴시스] Reporter Baek Young-mi = The resignation of medical school professors demanding the return of residents who left the hospital in opposition to the increase in medical schools and the withdrawal of the 2,000-study increase in medical schools has become a reality. Following the three hospitals under Korea University Medical Center, professors at Ulsan University Medical School, and Yonsei University Medical School, Seoul National University Medical School professors also decided to voluntarily submit their resignations starting on the 25th. Among the hospitals to which medical school professors submitting resignation letters belong, three were included in the ‘Big 5’ hospitals.

On the 25th, the Seoul National University College of Medicine and Seoul National University Hospital Emergency Response Committee (Seoul National University College of Medicine Emergency Committee) held an emergency general meeting attended by faculty from four hospitals, including Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seoul Boramae Hospital, and Gangnam Center, and submitted resignation letters from that day. I decided to do it.

The Seoul National University Medical School Emergency Committee issued a statement on this day, saying, “About 400 professors attended the general meeting today and received a report on the activities of the Seoul National University Medical School Emergency Committee, and decided to voluntarily submit their resignation from today.” “We must immediately stop the policy of increasing the number of people and move forward with true medical reform,” he said.

At the same time, he said, “After the government’s unilateral announcement of the essential medical package policy, including an increase in medical schools, 10,000 residents and 13,000 medical students left hospitals and schools.” “As a teacher who has to do this, I am not only devastated but also devastated,” he said.

He continued, “We have continuously appealed to the government for an “objective re-examination of the policy to increase medical schools” in order to prevent a catastrophe in the Korean medical system and quickly resolve the situation, but there is still no movement in the government’s attitude of dogmatically and high-handedly adhering to its existing position. “The disciples are not able to return,” he said.

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The emergency committee said, “The resignation letter was a last resort for dialogue with the government rather than leaving the patient’s side,” and “This is why I declared that I would protect the hospital even after submitting my resignation letter.”

He continued, “In just two months, Korea’s medical care, which everyone envied as the world‘s best, is on the verge of collapse. If 10,000 residents do not return, Korean medical care will set back at least five years, and it will take a long time to restore this ruined medical care.” “As it takes much longer, we are faced with a choice,” he said.

He also said, “The unilateral push for a policy to increase the number of medical schools has not only created tremendous confusion in the medical field, but is also dividing the people and doctors.” “A decision is needed,” he urged.

Earlier on this day, the emergency response committee (emergency committee) of full-time and clinical professors from Korea University Guro, Ansan, and Anam Hospitals under Korea University Medical Center gathered at Anam Hospital’s Mediheal Hall, Guro Hospital’s Saerom Education Center, and Ansan Hospital’s Rosetta Hall to make a decision based on “insufficient evidence and distorted figures.” “We express serious concerns about the expansion of medical schools and the mandatory medical policy that is being promoted, and the government is responsible for the resulting medical situation,” he said. “I am submitting my resignation on the 25th to work with medical students and residents toward the right medical policy.”

At the same time, he requested, “Immediately stop slandering and threatening residents and medical students, withdraw the wrong medical policy and the push to expand the number of students, and form a consultative body (including a medical group).”

Professors at Korea University Medical Center held placards denouncing the government that read, “Education is a 100-year plan, but medical school in one day?”, “K-Medical, the world’s best, sacrificing approval ratings,” and “Suspension of resident’s license, suspension of Korean medicine.” Slogans were sung. He then submitted his resignation letter directly to the box provided at each hospital, and the emergency committee immediately submitted the collected resignation letter to each hospital’s general affairs team and medical school.

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Jeong Ji-tae, professor emeritus at Korea University’s School of Medicine, said, “In resolving the division of medicine and medicine in 2000, the government enacted a law called the Basic Health and Medical Services Act, announced that it would normalize medical fees, and took measures to reduce the number of medical schools,” adding, “However, the development of health and medical services, which was scheduled to be established every five years, “We have never made a plan in the past 25 years, and even the price that was briefly raised was canceled under the pretext of pressure on insurance finances,” he said.

[서울=뉴시스] Reporter Jeong Byeong-hyuk = A specialist is entering the conference room to attend an emergency meeting of the Medical School Professors Association held at Seoul National University Children’s Hospital in Jongno-gu, Seoul on the 25th. 2024.03.25. [email protected]

He said, “The measures taken by the government since last February have been nothing but intimidation towards the medical community, and there has been no constructive talk,” adding, “They said they would talk, but they have never shown any willingness to talk.”

On this day, 433 professors at the University of Ulsan Medical School, whose teaching hospitals include Asan Medical Center, one of the ‘big five’ hospitals, as well as Ulsan National University Hospital and Gangneung Asan Medical Center, also submitted letters of resignation.

The Emergency Committee of the University of Ulsan Medical School Faculty Council issued a statement on this day, saying, “I fully feel responsible for failing to prevent the catastrophe, so I will give up my professorship and leave the teaching hospital and affiliated university after completing the treatment of the patient for whom I was responsible,” and added, “The government will withdraw the groundless increase in personnel.” “And provide a space for sincere dialogue,” he said.

At Soonchunhyang University Cheonan Hospital, 93 out of 233 medical school professors reportedly submitted their resignation to the faculty council. Some professors at Chosun University’s medical school and members of the emergency committee also submitted letters of resignation.

The National Association of Medical School Professors, in which 40 medical schools participate, announced that it was determined that almost all of the 40 medical schools across the country would submit their resignations. Starting today, the Korean Medical Association decided to submit a voluntary resignation letter, reduce surgery and treatment hours to less than 52 hours a week, and minimize outpatient treatment from the 1st of next month to focus on treating seriously ill and emergency patients.

The Korean Medical Association’s position is that it will stop reducing treatment only when residents return. Cho Yoon-jeong, head of the public relations committee of the Korean Medical Association’s emergency committee, said, “Residents have requested seven items from the government, and I think only if they are all done will there be residents.” He added, “The professors did not reduce medical treatment by placing conditions (such as administrative measures on residents). “Only when they come in can we stop reducing treatment,” he said.

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The National Medical School Faculty Emergency Response Committee, in which 19 medical schools including Seoul National University participate, also resolved to submit resignation letters from each university starting this day. The medical schools named in the statement are 19, including Konkuk University, Konyang University, Korea University, Daegu Catholic University, Gyeongsang National University, Keimyung University, Kangwon National University, Pusan ​​National University, Seoul National University, Yonsei University, Ulsan University, Wonkwang University, Ewha Womans University, Chungnam National University, Hanyang University, Inje University, Chonnam National University, Chonbuk National University, and Jeju National University. .

The movement of medical school professors to submit resignation letters is expected to continue. Although the government has announced a policy of postponing license suspensions for non-returning residents, it is maintaining the position that it is difficult to accept the cancellation of the 2,000-person increase in medical schools, which has been requested by medical groups.

Professors from Yonsei University Medical School’s emergency committee, whose teaching hospitals include Severance Hospital, one of the ‘big five’ hospitals, also submitted their resignations this afternoon. It is known that Ahn Seok-gyun, chairman of the Yonsei University College of Medicine emergency committee (professor of psychiatry at Severance Hospital), collected the resignation letters submitted by professors and submitted them to Dean Eun-jik Lee.

Professors of the Catholic University of Korea’s medical school, whose teaching hospital is Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, plan to hold a meeting on the 26th to discuss the schedule for submitting resignation letters. Recently, professors at Sungkyunkwan University Medical School, whose teaching hospital is Samsung Seoul Hospital, also decided to submit their resignation.

◎ Sympathetic media Newsis [email protected]

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