Home » Smart Wallet Withdraw Feature is Now Open and Member’s Money Has Been Returned – LENSA TODAY

Smart Wallet Withdraw Feature is Now Open and Member’s Money Has Been Returned – LENSA TODAY

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Smart Wallet Withdraw Feature is Now Open and Member’s Money Has Been Returned – LENSA TODAY

LENSA.TODAY, -(SMAR WALET)- Information regarding the Smart Wallet application is currently being awaited by members in various regions.

The reason is that many members hope that the balance in their Smart Wallet can be withdrawn immediately.

Moreover, in the last few days, many experts have said that the Smart Wallet application will be a scam.

Not only experts, even official government institutions, one of which is the OJK, have stated that the application is a Ponzi.

The Ponzi scheme itself is a fraud under the guise of investment where investors’ profits are paid from new members who join.

Previously, a notification appeared that the Withdraw feature would open on March 23 2024.

It was observed from the members’ Facebook Group that the WD feature itself was already open but almost the same as on March 20.

Where there is a pending withdrawal statement on the application.

“Yes, but it goes back to assets,” wrote a group member.

“Just be patient like yesterday, 1×24 hours,” said another group member.

The WD feature itself has been opened, but as for the money returning to members’ hands, there is currently no clarity. (***)

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