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The hidden side of the present time

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The hidden side of the present time

If we look at the last decades and indicate the year 1983 as a reference, not everything was colored by failure in the contemporary Argentine historical process. Especially if we look at it from a perspective that covers much of the 20th century.

Firstly, we will discover that the current government’s story – 100 years of failures, one after another – is due to the construction of a narrative to justify its policies. Something logical and expected from any government, but not true.

The concrete thing is that the last 40 years can show successes and learning attributable to politics and its capacity to generate agreements that were not necessarily established in writing.

Firstly, the democratic consensus, the basis of any other, which the 2001 crisis and its institutional resolution, without any authoritarian solution, revealed to be consistent.

Secondly, the reduction of tension with neighboring countries and the elimination of conflict hypotheses with them. We could list some milestones in relation to this: the Treaty of Peace and Friendship with Chile, in 1984; the Iguazú Declaration, signed with Brazil in 1985, which was a step towards the construction of Mercosur (1991); the solution of most boundary disputes, among other actions in which the different governments of our country have participated. Always continuing, not without nuances, the Argentine tradition in foreign affairs: pacifist, defender of international law and multilateralism.


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Thirdly, the concern for public education and its financing, reflected in the National Education Law, enacted in 2006, which extends the mandatory nature of secondary education. A path that began in 1884 and that, despite the twists and turns, continues. We could include at this point the public system of science and technology, whose bastions are the National Interuniversity Council and Conicet, founded as such in 1958 and whose first president was the Nobel Prize winner Bernardo Houssay.

Fourthly, the human rights policy, whose axes have been the clarification of the crimes perpetuated by State terrorism, the search for justice and the consolidation of democracy.

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Fifthly, the role of the State, at its national, provincial and municipal levels, with its promotion of different forms of art and culture, which have resulted in awards, international recognition, discoveries of new talents and the strengthening of the identity of cities. throughout the country. The latter, especially linked to popular festivals, which promote tourism, commerce and the productive positioning of different regions. To disdain them is to ignore the magnitude of their contribution.


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It is true that adverse economic cycles, recurring crises and malpractice have disrupted many of these aspects that we mentioned, slowing them down and sometimes interrupting them. But that reality does not eliminate the concrete contributions of what we were pointing out to the zigzagging Argentine development.

“Hidden” may not be the right word, but the extraordinary pessimism of the current time, illustrated by the aggressiveness of the discussions and disqualifications on networks, the precariousness of the debate, the absence of national leadership plus the anguish surrounding the current and umpteenth crisis that we go through, prevent us from seeing clearly some of the things that went well for us and go well as a society. Remembering them brings balance to our reflection on the present life of the country.

* Journalist

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