Home » Gallery: The Stations of the Cross was held in the courtyard of the castle

Gallery: The Stations of the Cross was held in the courtyard of the castle

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Gallery: The Stations of the Cross was held in the courtyard of the castle

Photo: Malle-Liisa Raigla

3 images displayed, images in the gallery: 29

EELK St. John’s congregation organized a pilgrimage of the Way of the Cross in the courtyard of the bishop’s castle in Haapsalu cathedral after the end of the service on the occasion of Good Friday, or via crucise, which was led by Bishop Emeritus Tiit Salumäe together with teacher Mart Salumäe. Prayers were also read by other members of the congregation

The journey of the Way of the Cross is based on Christ’s stops on the way to the cross, and at 14 stops the story of Christ’s crucifixion is remembered.

The Holy Way of the Cross, or vthe cross or vit’s painful the inspiration comes from early pilgrims from the Holy Land who sought to imitate Christ by passing through the sites associated with his suffering. Way of the Cross was a Catholic tradition for a long time, but today it is also widely used in the practice of the Protestant Church.

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